‘The student wellbeing training was very well received by all staff, and the engagement and discussions that ensued truly powerful’
Vanessa Grimward – Principal, Elis Murcia School
Wellbeing is a key part of the educational narrative, with everyone acknowledging its importance. However, understanding how to improve it can feel nebulous, and although staff are often passionate about supporting student wellbeing, they may be unsure of how they can contribute to it.
The ISI Framework places the existing responsibility of the school’s leadership and management and governance to actively promote the wellbeing of students at the centre of ISI’s evaluation of the school’s provision.
To do this effectively, school leadership, management and governance will need to engage their whole staff body to ensure that the promotion of wellbeing is embedded within its culture.
- Could all your staff explain what wellbeing is and the things that impact it?
- Would all your staff know how and why they could contribute to student wellbeing (giving specific examples, rather than generalised supportive statements)?
- If you asked your students which staff supports their wellbeing in school, would they say – ‘all staff’?
Want to understand where your school is with student wellbeing ? Our Pupil Wellbeing Audit is a powerful tool to support your school’s strategic wellbeing development.
JMC Wellbeing Team
Applying the Science of Wellbeing to Student Wellbeing in Schools & Colleges
Given the overwhelming amount of information that is available about wellbeing and education, it can be difficult to unpick how wellbeing relates to learning. This training will apply the science of wellbeing to learning and living for children and young people and explain it through a neurodevelopmental lens.
‘Educational policies and practices that are consistent with how the brain develops are more likely to promote learning and development than those that undermine or are inconsistent with brain science’
MH Immordino-Yang, L Darling-Hammond, C Krone – Aspen Institute, 2018.
Who is this INSET for?
Schools are communities and to build a culture that promotes wellbeing, everyone needs to be clear about their role in this endeavour. This is therefore suitable for all staff in a school – teaching and non-teaching, who will work with their teams to relate the training to their role.
Student Wellbeing INSET Aims:
- To clarify the meaning of and drivers behind wellbeing
- To outline why wellbeing and learning are intertwined due to the neural circuitry for emotions and learning being linked
- To look at the science behind key contributors to learning, and how these relate to learning
- To explore with your teams how the science supports what you are already doing to improve student wellbeing, and what you could do differently to improve it
- Given that professional development is not particularly effective as an isolated event; we will also discuss how this could be reviewed, revisited and further embedded into everyday practice