JMC helped us understand pupil wellbeing and therefore what can be done to improve it. They produced some fantastic resources and ways of measuring success for us to use. I cannot recommend JMC highly enough for schools looking to take the issue of wellbeing seriously

Neil Tetley, Principal, Hastings School – Madrid

Pupil wellbeing is inextricably to learning and thriving and as such, must be at the centre of all aspects of school life.  The new ISI framework and handbook defines wellbeing using section 1092) of the Children Act 2004 and relates to:

  • Pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Protection of pupils from harm and neglect
  • Pupils’ education, training and recreation
  • Pupils’ contribution to society
  • Pupils social and economic wellbeing

It also refers to the Good Childhood Index, developed by the Children’s Society, which emphasises the subjective wellbeing of children.

It is clear that wellbeing must be at the centre of all aspects of school life, and that student voice is an integral part of school culture. While this is something that schools wholeheartedly agree with, it can seem daunting to know where to start to ensure that the approach to pupil wellbeing is strategic, not scattergun, leads to meaningful and lasting improvement to pupil outcomes and is something that all colleagues contribute to.

‘The ISI Framework places the existing responsibility of the school’s leadership and management and governance to actively promote the wellbeing of pupils at the centre of ISI’s evaluation of the school’s provision’

pg 7 – Independent Schools Inspectorate Handbook for the inspection of association independent schools.

What is a Pupil Wellbeing Audit?

The Pupil Wellbeing Audit (PWA) is a self-assessment tool that allows schools to holistically evaluate their current contribution to pupil wellbeing and set aspirational targets for further progress and development.

The PWA has different dimensions, and indicators within each dimension, which informs a best fit level score. The indicators within each stage are intended to be the basis for school leader reflection, action planning and improvement. 

Looking for whole school training to enhance pupil wellbeing across your school or college? Take a look at our INSET on Pupil Wellbeing here

JMC Wellbeing Team

How will the Pupil Wellbeing Audit support our school improvement planning?

  1. It will clarify the different dimensions that contribute to overall pupil wellbeing
  2. It will enable schools to identify those dimensions that should be celebrated
  3. It will enable schools to be selective and strategic about choosing target areas to work on
  4. It will support schools to identify where there is internal expertise to support development and where resources may need to be sought externally
  5. It will enable schools to see more clearly where their targets for wellbeing align and crossover with whole school improvement goals

What is included in a Pupil Wellbeing Audit

Our PWA reviewer will first present to the Senior Leadership Team the outline for the process, and:

  • Collaboratively identify one dimension from the PWA to promote and celebrate
  • Identify the dimension that will be the target for improvement in the next academic year

Then the reviewer and a lead teacher will carry out a tour of the school together, which will include meeting a selection of colleagues and a representative group of pupils to triangulate the initial assessment with evidence.

Then the reviewer, lead teacher and rest of SLT will reconvene to:

  • Co-create an initial action plan for the identified target for improvement
  • Be clear on how pupil voice can and must help support the progress and development in relation to the targets

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