Very useful practical tips and information. Immediate take home actions.

Abingdon School
  • Is your Boarding school fully compliant ?
  • How do you know?
  • Where is your evidence and is it easily accessible?
  • Are you confident of meeting all NMS for Independent Schools?

Independent Boarding School Audit

Educational institutions must meet and observe a wide variety of guidelines and regulations set by both government agencies and non-governmental associations. Independent boarding schools inspected by ISI as part of a Regulatory Compliance inspection ( RCI) will be judged against the ISSRs and the NMS for Independent Schools. They provide the minimum standards below which no school is expected to fall in securing outcomes for boarders.

BSO & COBIS: Overseas Accreditation Standards

International & Overseas schools will often not have a formal inspection process, we are able to provide independent benchmarking of safeguarding procedures and boarding based on UK best practice and the National Minimum Standards which are applicable to Accredited BSO schools. Our International schools inspections teams can work with schools to support BSO accreditation and COBIS accreditation.

COBIS/BSO Standards for international Schools can be found here

“Built capacity with our DSLs to audit, improve and evaluate the standards all should be working to.”

Chris Sammons, Principal, West Island School, Hong Kong

What is included in a Boarding School Audit? 

Our Inspection team will carry out an onsite visit, meeting with the Head of Boarding, Houseparents and other members of the boarding team.

This visit will:

Ensure full compliance with current legislation:

  • NMS ( National Minimum Standards)
  • ISSR ( Independent Schools Standards Regulations)

The detail of the inspection activity will vary according to the lines of enquiry for each individual visit but is likely to include a combination of the following:

  • listening and talking to students
  • listening and talking to senior leaders and boarding staff
  • observing activities, including the interaction between boarding staff and children
  • gathering views of other professionals, if required
  • examining records, policies and procedures when this is a key line of enquiry; during the visit, inspectors will look at documents in order to follow a line of enquiry

Is your school due an ISI Inspection in 2025?

JMC provide comprehensive mock inspections, each of our teams are led by an experienced Reporting Inspector. 

Find out more here

JMC Inspection Team

Boarding School Audit Report

The Inspection Team will give verbal feedback to the Headteacher and Head of Boarding. After the visit we will follow this up with a full written report.

Each report will summarise the overall experiences and progress of students in boarding, taking into account:

  • how well students are cared for and safeguarded
  • the effectiveness of leaders and staff

It will make recommendations for improvement, as necessary.

Alternatively our Inspection team could deliver a training session for the Head of Boarding and other members boarding team – Housemasters , Housemistresses, Houseparent’s , Matrons etc.

Find out more here

JMC Inspection Team
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