Really useful ideas to move us forward and help with evidence of compliance for inspection!

Emma Beer, Deputy Head, Teaching & learning, Lady Barn House School

Regulatory Compliance

  • Have you considered all areas of your school to ensure compliance?
  • is your SCR up to date & do those compiling it know the regulations?
  • Where do you keep your evidence?
  • How current & relevant is your Self Evaluation Form?
  • Do your staff understand the system – do they know what is expected of them?

Compliance: There is no time not to be ready.

What really matters to the DfE is whether or not schools are compliant with all the regulations by which they are bound. All independent schools must meet all the paragraphs of the Independent School Standards in order to maintain their registration; All Boarding schools must meet the National Minimum Standards (NMS). The DfE is very clear and unambiguous about this requirement.

Issues with Compliance

In recent years there have been unexpected problems with compliance seeing some prestigious schools fail their inspections. All schools will be inspected every three years under the present scheduling and will have a ‘brought forward’ inspection if there is concern. 

Who is this training for?

This training will prepare your leadership team & support staff for what to expect in an ISI Compliance Inspection.

Alternatively you might want to arrange a ‘Mock’ Inspection with our highly qualified and experienced Inspection Team.

JMC Inspection Team

Regulatory Compliance INSET Outline

Outline of a Routine Inspection

  • The phone call
  • What will be inspected before and during the inspection
  • Who will be required for meetings
  • Timings
  • How is ISSR compliance judged
  • Are your Governors up to date?

Making sure you are compliant

  • What evidence is gathered from all areas?
  • What are the expectations for the teaching and support staff?
  • How are the SMSC, RSE, RHE areas judged?
  • What are the current requirements for safeguarding in schools?
  • How should teachers, departments and the school promote “British Values”

Performing a School Self Audit

  • Make time available
  • Provide resources
  • Raise awareness
  • Hot spots (safeguarding, SCR etc)

Boarding compliance (optional)

  • The National Minimum Standards
  • Judging the impact of boarding on the quality of education offered

Is your school due an ISI Inspection in 2024?

JMC provide comprehensive mock inspections, each of our teams are led by an experienced Reporting Inspector. 

Find out more here

JMC Inspection Team

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