We all found the ISI Inspection Framework day incredibly useful, and we have plenty of actions to undertake!
Sophie Toland, Senior Deputy, St. Mary’s Calne
Getting to grips with the ISI focus on Pupil Wellbeing
- How will your school fare in the F23 ISI Inspection Framework ?
- Can your staff readily identify the evidence they seek?
- Can teaching staff ensure they met the standards consistently in the classroom?
- Do your boarding staff know their regulatory responsibilities?
- Are your Governors up to date ?
Following consultation ISI have introduced a new ISI inspection framework from September 2023. ISI intend to build on the strengths of the previous framework and develop it further, with a particular emphasis on the wellbeing of pupils. The meaning of ‘wellbeing’ for the purpose of the Standards and ISI values, is defined by Section 10 (2) of the Children Act 2004
A renewed focus on leadership, management & governance is evidenced by the intent to include a summary in the opening section.
This training & mentoring of key staff, including training for your governing body is essential to ensure that you are prepared for the changes to the ISI Inspection Framework in time for your school’s next inspection.
This ISI Inspection Framework INSET will help you to:
- Understand the proposed changes to ISI inspections from September 2023
- Actively promote the wellbeing of pupils in line with the new framework
- Be clear on what is meant by significant strengths and how this can be evidenced
- Lead on high quality teaching and learning and understand the additional focus ISI will have in this area
- Harness Pupil Voice in your school and make it work for your school in the inspection
- Prepare your staff and colleagues for the forthcoming changes
All of us found it a very useful ‘dress rehearsal’ for the real thing!
Piers Heyworth, Headmaster Manor Prep
Who is this ISI Inspection Framework INSET suitable for?
- This full day is a mixture of training and mentoring for key staff in preparation for an inspection under the F23 ISI Inspection framework.
- It can be delivered face to face or online via Zoom.
- We find that Governors in particular find online delivery more easily accessible
- There is no limit in attendees to each session from a particular school, but we have suggested suitable personnel here under each section heading
- Parts are relevant to all teaching and support staff
Types of Inspection under the ISI Inspection Framework
Routine ISI Inspections
There will now only be ONE type of routine inspection now, every 3 years, that will combine compliance and educational quality.
Non-routine ISI Inspections
There will be three types of non-routine inspection:
Material change inspection
Material changes include:
- a change of school address (but not adding another site unless it increases capacity)
- change of proprietor
- change to the maximum number of registered pupils
- addition or removal of boarding (but not changing the number of boarding places unless this changes the maximum number of permitted pupils)
- change from single-sex to co-ed or vice versa
- change to the registered age-range of the school
- admitting one or more SEN pupils.
Progress monitoring inspection
(when a school has failed to meet the Standards, it will be visited a second time, to inspect for improvement)
Unannounced Inspections
(when the Department for Education have a reason for a school to be inspected urgently).
This training will prepare all relevant staff for what to expect in a routine isi Inspection.
Alternatively you might want to arrange a ‘Mock’ Inspection with our highly qualified and experienced Inspection Team.
JMC Inspection Team
ISI Inspection Framework INSET Outline
General Introduction to the ISI Inspection Framework
Usually for all teaching & support staff
Part 1 – Leadership Management and Governance
All those staff on SLT, SMT and Governing Body
Part 2 – Pupils’ Education, Training and Recreation
Heads of Departments and Teaching Staff (or cascade from HODs)
Part 3 Pupils’ Physical and Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing ( and Boarding if relevant)
Pastoral Staff, Boarding Staff, HR, Bursar / Business manager & Wellbeing Teams
Part 4 – Pupils’ Social and Economic Wellbeing and Contribution to Society
Co-curricular, sports, performing arts and music staff plus any other relevant staff deemed to be required for this area
Safeguarding and the ISI Inspection Framework
Safeguarding lead /DSL’s, DDSL’s, safeguarding administrators
SCR and other Safer Recruitment checks
HR and Pastoral Deputy/DSL
Early Years update (if relevant)
Early Years Managers (cascade to EYFS staff)
Is your school due an ISI Inspection in 2025?
JMC provide comprehensive mock inspections, each of our teams are led by an experienced Reporting Inspector.
JMC Inspection Team
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