The role of SENDCo is complex and can be overwhelming, particularly if you are new to the position. Amid ever increasing SEND numbers, lack of support from over-stretched local services and economic pressures in schools, it is easy to get caught up in the wide variety of day-to-day demands and lose sight of the strategic leadership aspects.
Being a SENDCo is a demanding role that requires a big heart, oodles of drive, and a passion for providing support.
Nigel Pugh, SEN Magazine
This course offers a space to stand back & reconnect with the main priorities of this important leadership role: to evaluate progress towards goals and to ensure that strategic plans will lead to better outcomes for all stakeholders.
What are the benefits of our SENDCo INSET?
Each session will end with a Q&A session which will include peer discussion and the opportunity to evaluate specific challenges in individual settings. By the end of the course, SENDCos will leave with a clear sense of their individual priorities going forward, key areas that need attention, and a range of strategies to improve outcomes for SEND pupils.
You may also be interested in our range of SEND INSET courses. Each can be booked as a school INSET.
We have specialist training on inclusive classroom teaching such as supporting neurodiversity, dyslexia, autism and ADHD
The full day course will cover the following:
Session 1: Using the new NPQ framework to review current expectations of the SENDCO role
- A review of the National SEND data trends
- Strategic planning: Identifying priorities from the various strands in the job description.
- Effective deployment of your team, or developing a team out of wider staff members
Session 2: Coordinating SEND provision and evaluating outcomes
- Your school’s SEND profile: what can the school data tell you?
- Reviewing your own SEND offer: different challenges need different solutions but what is realistic?
- Access Arrangements cycles
Session 3: Supporting Teaching Staff
- Developing High Quality Teaching as the first response to SEND
- Evidence based teaching that supports all students including those with SEND
- Demystifying the Assess Plan Do Review cycle
Session 4: Wider School Leadership Focus
- Accessibility Planning & Policy documents
- Admissions and EHCP consultations
- Becoming a neuro-inclusive school
This course is suitable for SENDCos who are new to role & also for SENDCos who would like to refresh their strategic vision.