The presenter was very knowledgeable on Neurodiversity and had lots of experience working as a SENDCO in schools. Very useful perspective. Really got me thinking!

Jo Lindsay, St Bede’s Catholic College

It is estimated that learners with neurodiversity make up 15% – 20% of UK school pupils, a group which includes a range of learning differences such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, ADHD and others. Without appropriate support, neurodivergent students frequently underperform academically relative to their underlying ability as a direct result of their challenges.  This can lead to an erosion of self-esteem and a deterioration in mental health.

While these neurodevelopmental differences are distinct and may need to be supported at an individual level, they do have traits in common.  Differentiation for individuals is an important approach to supporting in the classroom, but there are mainstream, evidence-based teaching strategies that have the potential to improve outcomes for both neurodivergent students & neurotypical students alike. However, approaches to interventions cannot be one-size-fits-all, as all individuals will have different goals, desires, and needs.

Why book this Neurodiversity INSET for your school?

The paradigm-shift from differentiating for individual Special Educational Needs in the classroom to adaptive and neuro-inclusive teaching can be challenging for overloaded teachers.

This one-day course explains the key traits shared by the most prevalent neurodivergent groups and matches these traits with solutions from mainstream teaching pedagogies. Attendees will deepen their understanding of the specific challenges faced by neurodivergent students in the classroom and reflect on a range of helpful pedagogical approaches to explore.

You may also be interested in our training on Adaptive Teaching Strategies click here

Who is this INSET for?

Relevant to all classroom teachers and learning support assistants, this course would be useful to schools and colleges looking to support neurodiverse learners & increase inclusivity as part of long-term School Development Plans.

INSET outline

Neurodiversity & shared learning challenges

  • A review of the main challenges experienced by students with dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism and ADHD.
  • Developing a clearer picture of the which challenges neurodivergent learners may have in common.
  • Additional factors such as mental health difficulties that may be barriers to learning.

An overview of the key mainstream, evidence-based teaching approaches that may also support neurodiversity in learners

  • Narrowing the field: a focus on relevant pedagogies
  • Clear explanations as to how they address the learning challenges identified in Session 1
  • How using this knowledge improves outcomes for neurodivergent students while benefiting all learners

How to implement neurodiversity approaches in the classroom, and as part of a whole school approach.

  • Clear guidance as to practical application of the approaches explored in Session
  • Why consistency in the use of new approaches is essential to changing outcomes.
  • How to support teachers in the development of neuro-inclusive classrooms

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