JMC has a breadth of experience conducting External Reviews Of Governance for Multi-Academy Trusts

The multi-academy trust review of governance will consider the core strategic functions as laid down by the DfE:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school/trust and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

The National Governance Association has identified eight elements that are essential for good governance.

  1. The right people around the table
  2. Understanding the role and responsibilities
  3. Good chairing
  4. Professional clerking
  5. Good relationships based on trust
  6. Knowing the school/trust- the date, the staff, the parents, the children, the community
  7. Committed to asking challenging questions
  8. Confident to have courageous conversations in the interests of the children and young people

We also carry out Governance reviews for maintained schools & independent schools. Find out more here

JMC Governance Team

DfE have scrapped the Governance support scheme for Multi-Academy Trusts

The Department for Education-funded national leaders of governance (NLGs) scheme was first launched in 2012, and reformed in 2021, to help governance boards judged to be weak by regional directors. The funding for DfE funded school governance reviews was removed as of October 2023.

Governance is an essential element of Leadership & Management

With the increasingly important role of Governance in an Ofsted judgement, it is very important that trusts and governing boards regularly reviews its performance as a whole

Ofsted judges governance as part of leadership and management and there is a stronger focus on governance from the Regional Directors Office.

Why use JMC for your Mult-Academy Trust Governance Review?

JMC can provide an impartial, rigorous and robust external Trust Governance Review, which will examine the governance structure, operations and performance across the board. Our Governance reviewer will work closely with the board, executive leaders and the governance to evaluate the board’s performance and identify areas for development for an action plan.

JMC has extensive experience of carrying out external reviews of governance including for multi academy trusts. 

Amongst our governance team are:

We also offer a full Governors Training Programme, find out more here

JMC Governance Team

What are the benefits to a MAT Governance review?

MAT Governance reviews help your board to:

  • be more skilled, focused and effective
  • be clear in its vision and how it can achieve this
  • be confident that it has a clear delineation of roles and responsibilities
  • have the appropriate skills, and a sufficiency of committed governors or academy trustees to meet its needs
  • hold leaders to account for improving outcomes for all pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged
  • have appropriate oversight of finances and ensuring value for money
  • assure compliance
  • continuously improve

The Process of an External Review of Governance

JMC’s Multi-Academy Trust Governance review team will:

  • Identify strengths in governance
  • Identify areas for development to strengthen the effectiveness of governance

We will consider the 6 features of effective governance, which are set out in the Governance handbook.

These are:

  • strategic leadership
  • accountability
  • people
  • structures
  • compliance
  • evaluation

A typical review will include:

✓ A desktop review of the evidence of governance, looking at board meeting agendas, papers and minutes; terms of reference for committees and governance roles; visit reports and information on the educational establishment’s finances, educational outcomes and improvement.

✓ Conversations with the chair, headteacher or CEO, clerk or governance professional and other key individuals working on or with the board.

✓ A facilitated self-review of those governing

✓ Observation of a board meeting

MAT Governance Review meetings

We appreciate that Governors or trustees are busy people and may not necessarily be local to the school in all cases, therefore the review can be carried out virtually via Zoom or in person depending on the Trust’s preference. 

Verbal Feedback Meeting

At the end of the visit, the Chair of Governors (and the Vice Chair or Head if requested by the Chair) will be given a meeting or workshop de-brief to share the main findings and the recommended actions. 

Full written Report

A comprehensive written report is produced, reviewing findings against best practice and recommendations which the Board might like to consider. The final report is confidential between JMC and the governors.  However, the latter are free to present a copy to schools’ inspectors if they so wish.

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