JMC can conduct a School Governance Review (virtually via Zoom or in person)
The School Governance Review will examine the governance structure, operations and performance across the board. Our Governance reviewer will work closely with the board, executive leaders and the governance to evaluate the board’s performance and identify areas for development for an action plan.
- Would you like to verify the effectiveness of your governance?
- Is your school about to undergo a major structural change?
- Are you a new Chair of Governors wanting to start with confidence?
- Do you need an external review prior to your next inspection?
JMC has extensive experience of carrying out external reviews of governance including for multi academy trusts. We undertake reviews of:
- Maintained school governing bodies
We undertake reviews of both single academy trusts and multi academy trusts of all sizes.
- International and Independent Schools
JMC has used its extensive knowledge of the independent sector and ISI when working with charitable trusts, as well as with international and independent school governing boards.
We also offer a full Governors Training Programme, find out more here
JMC Governance Team
Why carry out an External School Governance review with JMC?
School Governance reviews help your board to:
- be more skilled, focused and effective
- be clear in its vision and how it can achieve this
- be confident that it has a clear delineation of roles and responsibilities
- have the appropriate skills, and a sufficiency of committed governors or academy trustees to meet its needs
- hold leaders to account for improving outcomes for all pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged
- have appropriate oversight of finances and ensuring value for money
- assure compliance
- continuously improve
We also support Muti-academy Trusts, big or small with Board reviews. Find out more here
JMC Governance Team
The Process
JMC’s School Governance review team will:
- Identify strengths in governance
- Identify areas for development to strengthen the effectiveness of governance
We will consider the 6 features of effective governance, which are set out in the Governance handbook.
These are:
- strategic leadership
- accountability
- people
- structures
- compliance
- evaluation
School Governance Review meetings
We appreciate that Governors or trustees are busy people and may not necessarily be local to the school in all cases, therefore the review can be carried out virtually via Zoom or in person depending on the school’s preference.
Verbal Feedback
At the end of the visit, the Chair of Governors (and the Vice Chair or Head if requested by the Chair) will be given an verbal de-brief on the main findings.
Full written Report
A comprehensive written report is produced, outlining findings and recommendations which the Governing Body might like to consider. The final report is confidential between JMC and the governors. However, the latter are free to present a copy to schools’ inspectors if they so wish.
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