‘I found the course extremely useful and its importance in moving children forward in their learning cannot be underestimated.’
Melanie Boyer, SENDCo, Our Lady’s Preparatory School
The SEND Code of Practice requires teachers to support the needs of a wide range of neurodiverse learning styles. Learners with dyslexia are included under the neurodiversity umbrella, but display some unique characteristics that need to be fully understood in order for support to be appropriately targeted. A deeper understanding of these characteristics will also help teachers to identify and refer students who may be struggling with undiagnosed dyslexia.
Learners with dyslexia will each have a unique profile of strengths & weaknesses which may impact them in differently in different subjects. However, when teachers are confident in their knowledge of the key traits and their impact on learning, they are more able to adapt their teaching and foster student confidence and progress.
A key challenge in our skills is to ensure that teaching is aimed at students’ underlying potential not at their specific learning difficulties. There is no correlation between IQ and dyslexia and many of our students may have high academic ability and dyslexia, known as Twice Exceptional or Dual Exceptionalities. These students may underperform for reasons that relate to a lack of support rather than a poor work ethic. Teachers need to be alert to these needs and know how to incorporate adaptive technologies, and maximise the student’s access to marks in Public Exams.
Our Supporting Students with Dyslexia course provides teachers with the knowledge and understanding of the key traits, and gives them the confidence to provide evidence-based support strategies that help remove barriers to learning. It would also be suitable upskilling for groups of TAs and LSAs in how to best support dyslexic learners in the classroom and in interventions.
INSET Outline
Recognising and understanding the key traits and neurological differences associated with Dyslexia
- Literacy difficulties
- Writing difficulties
- Memory deficits
- Executive function skills deficits
- Mathematical skills deficits
- Possible co-occurring difficulties
A Personalised approach to supporting Dyslexia
Each student’s profile of difficulties will be slightly different and require a personalised approach. This will be most effective when there is a sound understanding of the potential areas of impact for dyslexic students:
- Academic progress
- Exam performance
- Mental health, confidence & self-esteem
- Responses to marking & feedback
- Cognitive Load capacity
Practical strategies to support Dyslexia in the classroom
A menu of techniques designed to support students with dyslexia across the curriculum using evidence-based strategies, technology and exam access arrangements:
- In different subject areas
- When preparing for exams
- Revision strategies
- Pastoral approaches
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