• Is your Boarding school fully compliant ?
  • How do you know?
  • Where is your evidence and is it easily accessible?
  • Are you confident of meeting all NMS for Independent Schools?

For Boarding Schools , what really matters to ISI within an inspection is whether or the school meets with all the ISSRs & the regulations by which they are bound for boarding. However different from each other schools may be, they should meet all the NMS for Independent Schools. They provide the minimum standards below which no school is expected to fall in securing outcomes for boarders.

Accredited BSO schools

Accredited BSO schools are also bound by the NMS for Independent schools ensuring the highest standard for boarding pupils.

A Supportive Boarding School inspires holistic personal development of pupils

When pupils attend Boarding schools, the benefits extend beyond academic goals. These schools are warm and caring environments where students can develop to their full potential. Within the very best boarding school environments, pupils have multiple opportunities to build important skills like independence, self-reliance, resilience adaptability, interpersonal communication which are inspected by ISI.

Is your school due an ISI Inspection in 2025?

JMC provide comprehensive mock inspections, each of our teams are led by an experienced Reporting Inspector. 

Find out more here

JMC Inspection Team

Inspection INSET Outline

Outline of a typical inspection

  • What will be looked at during and before?
  • Who will be met?
  • How is boarding judged?

Making sure your Boarding School is compliant

  • What evidence do inspectors gather?
  • What are the expectations from all boarding staff during the inspection?
  • How confident are you that you meet the minimum requirements of the SCCIF or NMS?

Inspection Questions for a Boarding School

  • Preparing for the questions staff and boarding students will be asked by inspectors e.g. how do you deal with a complaint from a parent?
  • Preparing boarding students for the boarding questionnaire

Impact of Boarding school life on quality of students education

  • In what ways does the boarding experience enhance student’s achievements and personal development?
  • What communications are in place between boarding and day staff regarding boarding students?
  • What staff training and development opportunities are in place?
  • Is there an appropriate programme of activities provided for students to engage and interest them?


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