Very useful practical tips and information. Immediate take home actions.

Abingdon School

MAT, Academy & School Safeguarding Audits

Understanding your duties and responsibilities, and developing and embedding good safeguarding practice, is key for all MAT’s, Academies & Schools .

Whether your organisation works with children, adults or both, we can work with you to make sure that the correct measures are in place to safeguard them from harm or neglect.

How can we help your MAT, Academy or School ?

Full Safeguarding Audit

Our safeguarding reviewer will carry out an onsite visit, meeting with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and other relevant members of your team.

This visit will:

Ensure full compliance with current legislation:

Typically the visit will involve:

Review of all policies and associated documents such as:

  • child protection policy
  • improvement planning
  • complaints policy
  • health and safety policy
  • reports for pupils who attend AP
  • first aid policy
  • information sharing policy
  • use of ICT
  • use of mobile phone policy
  • risk assessments
  • staff training records
  • SLT minutes
  • Governing Board minutes

In-depth conversations with key stakeholders

  • DSLs,
  • Safeguarding Governor
  • focus groups of staff and pupils

Discussion around best practice with current processes.

Review of electronic Single Central Record & personnel files.

Full Audit Report

Our overview of safeguarding strengths and challenges across your organisation, will enable you to build a clear improvement programme.

The Inspection Team will give verbal feedback to the HeadTeacher, DSL and other relevant members of the SLT during the visit.

After the visit we will follow up with a full written report which can be presented to the Governing Body.

Safeguarding Review 

We can provide an independent review of current practice on a smaller scale than a full audit, liaising with key staff and people who use services and reviewing relevant documentation to provide you with a clear understanding of what is working well. We can help you build on good practice and identify where things are working less well, what the barriers are to overcoming challenges.

Safeguarding Policy updating service

JMC’s safeguarding team will support you to write, refresh, or review your organisation’s safeguarding policies, procedures and guidance.

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