For primary school children to operate as successful scientists, they should be taught a wide range of essential science investigation & enquiry skills. These skills should build upon earlier opportunities they have had to play, explore, create, engage in active learning, and think critically in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

There are three aims in the English primary science curriculum programmes of study, to ensure that all pupils:

  1. develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  2. develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  3. are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future

This INSET will give Primary School teachers and teaching assistants more confidence developing the second aim of the National Curriculum – scientific investigation and enquiry skills. It is important that these skills are fully embedded into the teaching of the Science content at KS1 & 2.

This INSET will allow teachers to:

  • plan science lessons during which children can show progress in their learning.
  • ensure continuity and progression of essential enquiry skills.
  • differentiate activities and add challenge for more able children.
  • make accurate assessments and facilitate high quality peer and self-assessments.

Are you a Primary Science Lead? You might be interested in our deep dive training or arranging a ‘practice’ deep dive for your subject area. Find out more here.

JMC Inspection Team

INSET Outline

Teaching Science Investigation & Enquiry in Key stage 1

  • Measuring & record observations
  • Measure accurately and checking for reliability.
  • Independently planning how to record and analyse the data
  • Writing simple conclusions at KS1

Asking & Answering the Big questions in Key Stage 2 Science

  • Planning fair test enquiries
  • Changing, measuring, and controlling variables.
  • Analysing data to identify how one variable influences another
  • Developing in depth conclusions using the PEE model

Curriculum Planning for Outstanding Outcomes in Primary Science

  • Mapping key skills across the primary science curriculum
  • Progression planning
  • Support and challenge
  • Quality assurance & planning for a Primary Science Deep Dive
  • Celebrating success

Practical Science Investigation & Enquiry in Action

A hands- on opportunity to practise planning investigations and developing your own practical skills as a teacher or Teaching Assistant.

( this section is not available during online training & is dependent on the practical resources which your school can supply)

020 8531 4182

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