
  • Are you confident that the computing curriculum is being well delivered across the school, or would like ideas on how to bring a ‘wow’ to computing lessons?
  • Are all teachers working together to deliver a consistent, well planned curriculum, and has computing come to life and captured your pupil’s imaginations?

Teaching the Primary Computing Curriculum

It is a sad fact that for many schools the introduction of the primary computing curriculum at Key stages 1 & 2 has been patchy. The gaps in teachers understanding have meant that the great potential of this exciting new subject has not been realised.

Why is Primary Computing so important?

Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems.

Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Why book this INSET course?

This course is designed to address this and bring computing to life in your school. It presents a full understanding of the computing concepts and knowledge required to confidently deliver the curriculum. It covers the key concepts, ways to bring the subject to life and where to find essential resources to engage and inspire pupils across the primary age range.

Delivered in house with your resources and your familiar computing systems it gives a practical and relevant way to engage, enthuse and inspire teachers to bring this subject to life.

INSET Outline

  • Coding and Computing concepts: The 8 things you need to know.
  • Confidently converting from ICT to Computing.
  • Computational thinking from year 1 to year 8.
  • Approaches for bringing computing to life across the school.
  • Devices and tech – what you need and don’t need.
  • Teaching coding with and without a computer.
  • Teaching strategies, lesson ideas and where to obtain a wealth of quality resources.
Registration of interest

020 8531 4182


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