This training day focuses on leveraging assessment strategies as a transformative tool for enhancing pupil learning, particularly for Pupil Premium, neurodiverse learners and those with English as an Additional Language (EAL). Assessment is an essential aspect of adaptive teaching as it helps to steer teaching and learning to improve outcomes. Formative and summative assessment can be used to inform in-the-moment adaptations and future planning. For example, adaptive teaching may be required if a teacher identifies a gap in their students’ knowledge through a formative assessment strategy, such as the teacher using skilful questioning and students recording their responses on mini-whiteboards. By gaining a snapshot of learners’ current understanding, the teacher can then use a range of in-the-moment adaptations to address any gaps in knowledge or areas of misunderstanding.
The day will be structured around understanding the multifaceted purposes of assessment, incorporating strategic use of data for informed decision-making, and cultivating a consistent approach across teaching practices.
Different teachers will find different aspects of classroom assessment strategies more effective for their personal styles, their students, and the contexts in which they work ( Assessment: The Bridge between Teaching and Learning)
Dylan Wiliam
Assessment Strategies INSET Outline
Rethinking the Purpose and Pitfalls of Assessment
Objective: To unpack the core purposes of assessment and address common misconceptions and pitfalls.
Key Content:
- The dual role of assessment: Informative for teaching vs. reporting progress.
- Exploring schema-building through assessment: enhancing metacognitive skills and student self-awareness.
- Recognising variation and the subjectivity in assessments: Understanding the bell curve and the arbitrary nature of grading.
- Challenges in current assessment systems: Data delusions, Heath Robinson systems, and the need for authentic, actionable data.
- Activity: Reflective discussion on how current assessment practices align with these principles and identifying areas for improvement.
Assessment Strategies: The Bridge between Teaching and Learning
Objective: To enable teachers to effectively use data to adapt their teaching strategies for improving student outcomes.
Key Content:
- Principles for effective use of data: Long-term view, solution-focused approach, and treating data as indicators not absolutes.
- Using your school assessment results to inform teaching and learning strategies.
- Strategies for involving students and parents in the assessment process.
- Activity: Hands-on workshop using real assessment data to plan targeted lessons for underperforming groups.
Implementing and sustaining highly effective classroom assessment strategies
Objective: To explore effective implementation of assessment, focusing on active learning and student participation in the assessment process.
Key Content:
- Techniques for peer assessment, self-assessment, and formative feedback.
- Developing a culture of continuous feedback and learning.
- Meta-cognition strategies to enhance student self-regulation.
- Activity: Role-play scenarios to practice feedback techniques and self-assessment methods.
Utilizing Assessment Data in Pupil Progress Meetings
Objective: To master the strategic use of assessment data in pupil progress meetings to drive continuous improvement.
Key Content:
- Analyzing data to identify trends and commonalities among underachieving groups.
- Systemic review of strategies based on data findings.
- Preparing for meaningful dialogue with parents and students using assessment data.
- Activity: Mock pupil progress meeting utilizing provided data sets, focusing on actionable insights.
Strategic Review of Teaching and Learning
Objective: To critically evaluate and refine curriculum, pedagogy, interventions, and operational strategies based on assessment data.
Key Content:
- Curriculum alignment and the integration of review periods.
- Pedagogical adjustments for adaptive teaching and scaffolding.
- Evaluation and planning of interventions for timing and effectiveness.
- Operations management including timetable adaptations and resource allocation.
- Activity: Group discussions to propose and critique modifications in curriculum, pedagogy, interventions, and operations.
Formative and summative assessment can be used to inform in-the-moment adaptations to teaching and future planning. Find out about our Adaptive Teaching INSET here.
JMC Teaching & learning Team
Assessment Strategies Takeaways and Reflective Practice
Key Takeaways:
- Deeper understanding of the comprehensive role of assessment in enhancing educational outcomes.
- Practical strategies and frameworks for using assessment to directly influence pupil progression.
- Preparedness for implementing consistent and effective assessment practices across the school.
- Reflective Prompt: Reflect on the training day’s insights. What immediate steps will you take to integrate these strategies into your classroom practices? How will you engage with colleagues to ensure a unified approach to assessment?
This training day is designed to transform your understanding and application of assessment, turning it into a powerful catalyst for educational improvement and pupil success.