All schools are now are feeling the pressure to use technology in innovative yet measured ways to engage pupils and parents and are expected to be leaders in digital possibilities. The reality is often that schools are finding that navigating their way through the maze of digital solutions is expensive, time consuming and confusing. School leaders are often not computer experts and do not want jargon and techie-speak when all they need to know is the educational value of different digital tools and approaches.
Sadly, many schools are not fully informed of the range of solutions available to them and have arrived at a situation where they may have a raft of digital tools in use, with no real sense of how they can be integrated and streamlined and how their educational impacts can be harnessed. This course aims gives school leaders the overview and insight they need to feel confident in understanding what options are available to them and feel confident in making the right choices for their school.
Bringing together school leaders to evaluate their current and desired position, no detailed technical knowledge is necessary, this course aims to demystify the ‘edtech’ world and focusses on the impacts on education, practical leadership strategies and ways to promote a purposeful digital culture across the school.
INSET Outline
- Digital environments and educational platforms – what they are and how to assess them.
- The importance of purpose oriented technology – what you need and don’t need.
- The key decisions to shape school online access strategy.
- The role of CPD, ownership and school champions.
- Learning beyond the classroom and collaboration, the possibilities of technology.
- Embedding ESafety throughout the school.
- Creating and growing a digital learning culture.