The form tutor is the one fixed point in a world of turbulence outside, and sometimes inside, school.

Adam Riches, lead teacher in English, Specialist Leader of Education and an ITT coordinator

The Form Tutor sets the tone for the day in a secondary school and yet so little attention is paid to this vital role. The Form Tutor is important in providing the social support that is needed for positive mental health and wellbeing of young people. This in turn has a positive impact on learning and attainment (Public Health England, 2014). The Tutor-tutee relationship has potential in being a protective factor for young people, promoting a sense of school belonging, helping them feel secure and safe. This in turn may positively impact young people’s motivation and as a result, facilitate their academic, social and emotional success.

Why is this INSET for Form tutors need?

Some schools treat Form Time as a just mechanism to deliver centralised operational messages, undertake administrative tasks and check equipment. Such a limited and limiting use of this regular, valuable resource means that school communities are not benefiting from either the time or potential expertise of Tutors.

INSET Structure

This INSET provision comprises two modules which can be booked together or separately :

Module One: A Pastoral Leaders’ Guide to Revolutionising Form/Tutor Time

  • Building a philosophy for Tutor Time
  • How Form Tutoring creates belonging
  • Creating a bespoke Form Time curriculum
  • Reality check – knowing your current status and establishing priorities
  • Creating Tutor ‘buy in’ for transformation and establishing and maintaining consistency

Audience – Heads of Year / Phase / Key Stage, Assistant Heads & Deputy Heads

Module Two: The Form Tutor Role– Making it The Best Part of the Job

  • Inclusive Form Tutoring
  • Building belonging as a Tutor
  • Strategies to balance workload
  • Parents/carer relationships
  • Consistency vs Adaption

Audience – all form tutors

Form/Tutor Time can involve the largest contingent of staff all focused on the same priorities and, as a result, can have the biggest impact on improving school culture. Unless that potential is harnessed and training provided, it will be wasted. This INSET for Pastoral Leaders and Form Tutor teams, will provide strategic focus and practical support to Maximise the Impact of Form/Tutor Time.

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