Presented with style and humour – Great Stuff! So many courses (I’ve been on) suffer from lack of personality and heart – Not this one!’

Rob Flint, Lead Practitioner Art, Parker E-Act Academy, Daventry

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence in Your School

Emotional intelligence encompasses both personal and interpersonal domains. An understanding of EI raises personal awareness, equipping individuals to recognise their feelings in any given situation and develops the language to articulate these. It also better places the individual to regulate and adapt their responses and become more effective in their interactions with others. Developing independence, promoting positive attitudes and behaviours, supporting collaboration, and fostering confidence are all EQ processes central to effective learning.

EQ as Important in Success as IQ

Daniel Goleman suggests that as a precursor to success in exam and tests emotional quotient (EQ) is a better indicator than intelligence quotient (IQ). It is also a crucial quality if one is to be successful in the wider world. However, EI is a quality that is often little understood and also, in spite of its potential positive impact on learning and wellbeing, rarely formally fostered.

Benefits of booking this INSET for your School

• Explore the importance of emotional intelligence and why it is an important focus for your school
• Clarify what emotional intelligence is
• To understand elements of self-awareness and self-regulation
• Focus on empathy and social skills
• Identify practical ways of developing EI through our teaching
• Outline steps to improve own EI and ways forwards with our learners

Inset Outline

Why Bother with Emotional Intelligence

What is EQ as opposed to IQ?
Benefits of EQ – what the research says
Key terminology – emotional intelligence, emotional literacy, social education, well being
Where are we and our learners currently in terms of EQ
Identify barriers and opportunities to developing EQ for both teachers and learners

The Emotional Intelligence Quadrant

Exploring the emotion spectrum and language
Identifying the four main dimensions of EQ – self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy and social skills
Understanding brain theory and emotional hijacking
Examining self-awareness – experience and response
Resolving scenarios

Relating Positively

Clarifying the difference between sympathy and empathy
Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes
Identifying skills for relating and collaborating successfully
Outlining practical learning strategies for promoting social skills
Understanding characteristics of an emotionally literate school

To book this INSET in your school

Call JMC on 0208 5314182
Go to our enquires page

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