Extracts from OFSTED Briefing: Assessing progress
All learners make rapid and sustained progress with depth to be outstanding.
They are looking at progress, not attainment
RAISE online gives progress reports on cohorts – LA,MA,HA. This will be a major focus of inspections.
Should baseline students when they come into school. Many schools feels that students come in at KS3 with over inflated grades from KS2. If you feel this is the case, you need to assess them and keep robust evidence of the starting points if different from RAISE. This must be noted in your contextual statement in your SEF.
You will be expected to have this conversation with OFSTED.
Progress needs to be sustained – if there is a dip, why and how is it being addressed.
Find out more about assessing progress and or highly regarded INSET courses on improving progress here
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