• Does your teaching stretch the most able Physics students?
  • Are your students able to access top marks in public exams?
  • Are you preparing your students to study Physical Science and Engineering beyond school?
  • Do you prepare your students effectively for university entry tests?

This is a practical workshop looking at techniques and strategies for fulfilling the needs of the most able Physics students. Winning a place at the most selective universities is increasingly competitive and being able to perform at the top level in admissions tests and interviews is essential for students looking to win these places. Achieving top grades at A-Level and being able to go beyond A-Level to tackle more complex problems is essential.

This workshop will delve deeper into the A-Level syllabus to demonstrate approaches to teaching which develop higher order skills and a more sophisticated and creative approach to problem-solving. It will also look at opportunities to broaden students’ understanding of modern approaches to physical science including integrating computational physics into your teaching.

Finally, the workshop will also explore the role of practical work in stretching the most able students in the classroom including examples of extension to standard experiments and developing more sophisticated analysis tools.   

INSET Outline

Developing higher order skills in Physics students

  • Challenging and extending the most able students
  • Developing more robust problem-solving skills in students
  • Integrating a more mathematical approach to A-Level topics
  • Extending skills and discipline for university study

Preparing students for Admissions Assessments and Olympiads

  • Building from GCSE to A-Level to Olympiad
  • Using metacognitive strategies to develop problem-solving
  • Curriculum-mapping and planning for content delivery to stretch the most able

Extending Physics students beyond A-Level

  • Taking a more mathematical approach to topics such as thermal physics, mechanics and field physics.
  • Introducing computational approaches to modelling motion
  • Using practical work to extend students’ understanding and teach scientific enquiry.


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