‘Made us all reflect deeply on cyberbullying’
Didier Laisne, IMPRO, Cripp Mortain.
- How destructive is cyberbullying for your children?
- How do you deal with on both an institutional and personal level?
- What are the consequences for your organisation if you take a merely punitive approach to the bullies?
- Is the use of new technology by children causing issues in your school, both overtly and covertly?
This training course will help your staff in understanding why bullying takes place, how is most vulnerable and who the bullies are. It will ensure that your policies in place are both effective and include government requirements.
The impact of bullying on your school , academy or college.
- Does cyberbullying take place in your organisation? Many schools deny that it exists. Inspection reports how that only the most proactive schools deal with bullying effectively.
- Examples and useful case studies of real children’s problems to reflect on.
- The course will show a detailed analysis of the effect of the internet in recent times. It will question your acceptance of new social media technology. How the media contributes to our society in negative ways.
Strategies for schools, academies or colleges.
- How bullying is an issue in organisations that interferes with effective learning for all, including the bullies, the bullied and the bystanders. Is your solution to the issue of bullying merely punishment and exclusion from school, rather than trying to find underlying causes?
- How an existing strategy to deal with, and it is regularly updated in the light of new issues, such as cyberbullying?
- The effectiveness of strategies in reducing bullying?
Current legislation on bullying and cyberbullying
Are you aware of government guidelines and legislation relating to bullying and do you include this in your policies? The training will ensure that your policies include government requirements.
- the Education and Inspections Act 2006,
- the Independent School Standard Regulations 2010,
- Safeguarding children and young people Under the Children Act and
- 1989 The Equality Act 2010.
Support mechanisms to deal with bullying
- This course will offer a range of strategies to support the bullied and their families, based on existing ones that have already proved effective, including those at a national level.
‘All staff effectively engaged in this training’
M.Jacques Pascale, College Jules Verne, St Hilaire du Harcouet
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