“JMC’s high-quality leadership training is energetic and engaging, giving colleagues a range of pragmatic practical suggestions to help develop themselves and the school”

Deputy Head Operations, HMC School

Are you looking to improve something specific within your Senior Leadership Team or for your Middle Leaders?

Our School Leaders’ Coaching days are smaller , highly personalised and intensive coaching sessions with JMC experts in their fields.

Our team include experienced Executive leaders, Headteachers, Senior and Middle leaders as well as Ofsted and ISI Inspectors.

School leadership Teams forge relationships with JMC for many reasons:

“JMC’s advice is considered invaluable in all aspects of school leadership”

Primary Principal, HMC School

School Leadership Team Training and Networking Events

JMC support a number of professional associations, such as the ISA, IAPS & The Society of Heads where are Associates deliver training on School leadership and speak at conferences for Senior Leaders. We have well established links with Bath Spa University School of Education & Education Conferences UK where we deliver a range of events for middle and senior leaders. For more information about these hugely successful CPD events for School Leaders please see our events page.

We are here to share our expertise.

Growing, developing and investing in new leaders among in situ teachers has long been accepted as a key to success and schools need a range of options to ensure this important process is effective. The JMC portfolio of School Leadership Coaching Days has been designed to offer flexibility and present personalised opportunities for leadership development.

Headteacher and School leadership Team ‘Buddy’ System

Being a Headteacher is a lonely job, especially in a small school. JMC offer a unique ‘Buddy’ system where new Heads can access the support of an experienced Head for advice and guidance. This support can be offered face to face, on line or just by having someone to call. With so much responsibility Head Teachers in particular really benefit from having a ‘critical friend’ to share the journey with them.  Contact the office for more details on this programme.

We also offer Executive Coaching for School leaders and specialised coaching for Women leaders in Education & BAME School leaders as well as Headteacher Wellbeing Coaching.

The School Leadership Coaching Days listed below will give you a flavour of what we can offer and you can use our enquiry form to highlight any requirements or ask for further details on any of our courses.


020 8531 4182

School Leadership Team Coaching Days

Deputy Head Wellbeing

SLT & Deputy Head Wellbeing & Resilience Coaching

We found the sessions with our safeguarding team particularly useful as it enabled the members of staff to articulate their concerns and anxieties . JMC then helped this team build…

Executive coaching

Executive Coaching for Headteachers & School Principals

Being appointed as a new Principal was a daunting challenge, however the mentoring and guidance were superb from the start. The technical expertise accompanied by an exceptional coaching approach were…

Leadership Programme

SLT Programme: Strategic Leadership

The feedback from the middle leaders and SLT was overwhelmingly positive, they loved being able to share ideas and raise their concerns Svetlana Bajic-Raymond, Deputy Head, Cotham School The Strategic…

Sixth Form

INSET: High Impact Leadership in the Sixth form

Ofsted inspectors are required to grade the quality of education in any sixth form provision in schools and to write about the sixth form in the inspection report. The 6th…


Middle leaders INSET : Effective Curriculum Monitoring & Evaluation

“The feedback from the middle leaders and SLT was overwhelmingly positive, they loved being able to share ideas and raise their concerns” Svetlana Bajic-Raymond, Deputy Head, Cotham School Are you…

curriculum transition

INSET: Evidence Based Teaching to Improve Outcomes

“Fab ! Best thing I’ve ever been on”. N. Betts , Assistant Head , Sandbach High School Ditch the Educational Fads and use Evidence Based Research to Improve Pupil Outcomes…

Compliance audit

Compliance Audit : Schools Academies & FE Colleges

“Very impressed indeed with the meticulous nature of the compliance audit, the quality of feedback and manner in which it was delivered.” Jonny Timms, Headmaster, Walhampton School MAT, Academy &…

School staff disciplinary investigations

School Staff Disciplinary Investigations

School leaders have a duty to know about correct HR procedures, to investigate complaints made by staff, and to take appropriate action using a disciplinary process.One of the early stages…

cheerful diverse schoolgirls on sports ground

INSET: Actively Promoting Wellbeing of our Pupils

With ISI proposing to inspect against the Independent Schools Standards through the lens of pupil wellbeing from September 2023, now is the perfect time to consider your whole school approach…

Indpependent School Leadership

School Proprietors : Leading an Independent School

Many school owners or school proprietors find themselves in a school leadership role with very little educational experience, this is especially true in small independent schools or international schools. This…

headteacher appraisal

CEO or Headteacher Appraisal & Recruitment

‘(the headteacher appraisal was) a mixture of guidance and challenge, which was exactly what was needed as the role of Principal becomes ever more burdensome.’ Dr Daniel Sturdy, Principal, Wotton…

Lesson observations

Middle leaders INSET: Meaningful Lesson Observations

Strategies for Lesson observations, feedback and coaching to improve teaching and student progress Making Lesson Observations Beneficial Teacher appraisal and capability place effective and accurate observations of teaching and learning…

Project management

INSET: Project Management for school leaders

What is Project Management?    Project management (PM) is the application of processes, methods, skills, knowledge and experience to achieve specific project objectives within agreed parameters. It has final deliverables that are constrained to a finite…

Change leadership

INSET: Mastering Change Leadership

“As Chair of Trustees, this Change Leadership training was transformative. It provided me with the frameworks and insights to navigate the complexities of educational change. Our trust has since adopted…

DEI audit

Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Audit

“I have been a senior leader for many years, and I have taken part in many reviews of different types, but this DEI audit truly stands out. It provided a…

work scrutiny

INSET: Conducting a Meaningful Work Scrutiny

Much to think about. Very useful. Tak Sang Li, Assistant Master, Westminster School Getting your scrutiny right Work scrutiny (or book sampling) is too often about criticism and too often…


ISI INSET : Regulatory Compliance for Independent Schools

Really useful ideas to move us forward and help with evidence of compliance for inspection! Emma Beer, Deputy Head, Teaching & learning, Lady Barn House School Regulatory Compliance Compliance: There…

MAT reviews

SLT INSET: Enabling Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE)

When everyone in a school believes that together they can make a difference, the impact on student attainment can be almost quadrupled Rachel Eells, 2011 An Effect size greater than…

Quality of education

School leadership audit & appraisal

JMC provided Ampleforth with a very useful school leadership audit. I can thoroughly recommend JMC for their expertise and objectivity. Robin Dyer, Headmaster, Ampleforth College What are the benefits of…

Pastoral leadership

INSET: Outstanding Pastoral Leadership

I feel particularly inspired. Unlike many courses, this felt achievable.  Alison Tanner, Year 5/6 Teacher, Cameley Primary School The Highly Effective Head of Wellbeing /Year /Key Stage • Need guidance…

EDI Review

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion EDI Review

“I have been a senior leader for many years, and I have taken part in many reviews of different types, but this EDI review truly stands out. It provided a…

Multi-academy Trust

Multi-Academy Trust Board External Review of Governance

JMC has a breadth of experience conducting External Reviews Of Governance for Multi-Academy Trusts The multi-academy trust review of governance will consider the core strategic functions as laid down by…


INSET: Using Data to Improve Standards & Progress

All schools use huge amounts of data to support them in the work they do. Information on pupil attainment and progress is the most complex part of this, but data…


INSET: Promoting SMSC across the School Curriculum

“Thank you so much for the SMSC course, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it , how insightful it was and useful. I am going to be able…

Headteacher wellbeing

Headteacher Wellbeing & Resilience Coaching Programme

As a school leader, these sessions have helped me understand the impact of my leadership style upon others so that I can adjust expectations accordingly. David Fann, Associate Headteacher, Larkholme…

school self review

INSET: Conducting a school self-review for Ofsted

Why carry out a School Self review? Many schools use a range of self-review activities to find out what is working, or not, in their schools. Sometimes these are overly…

Ofsted observations

Ofsted Training : The Ofsted Ready School

“Inspiring and knowledgeable” Claire Vickery, Head of DT, Buckler’s Mead Academy Ofsted has moved away from headline data to look instead at how schools are achieving these results, and whether…

Promoting wellbeing

INSET: Head of Year & Pastoral Staff Training

Experts at leading interactive workshops which are lively, inclusive and offer multiple opportunities to reflect which will guide your organisation and pastoral staff to insightful and impactful outcomes. Kate Sommerville,…

British values

INSET: Promoting Fundamental British Values (FBV)

“Thank you so much for the British values course, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it , how insightful it was and useful. I am going to be…

SEND Provision

INSET: Preparing your SEND Provision for Ofsted Excellence

“This session presented a broad spectrum of useful and thought-provoking content that has significantly impacted my approach to SEND leadership. It was packed with relevant information aimed at not just…

Safeguarding Audit

Safeguarding Audit : Academies, Schools & FE Colleges

Very useful practical tips and information. Immediate take home actions. Abingdon School MAT, Academy & School Safeguarding Audits Understanding your duties and responsibilities, and developing and embedding good safeguarding practice,…

State Boarding school

State Boarding School Audit: Academies, Free Schools

State School Boarding Audits Educational institutions must meet and observe a wide variety of guidelines and regulations set by both government agencies and non-governmental associations. Maintained boarding schools are inspected…

leadership coaching

Leadership Coaching for Middle Leaders

I would highly recommend the coach from JMC. They were extremely engaged, professional and insightful, and they helped me move forward with positive actions towards reaching my goals. The JMC…

Responsive teaching

INSET: Conducting Meaningful Learning walks

Really informative Catriona Forrest Ratcliffe, Royal Masonic School for Girls , Deputy Head Academic Strategies for Learning walks, feedback and professional development to drive school improvement in teaching and learning…

School self evaluation

INSET: Creating a school self-evaluation and SEF for ISI

Why carry out a School Self Evaluation? Many schools use a range of self-evaluation activities to find out what is working, or not, in their schools. Sometimes these are overly…

headteacher appraisal

INSET: Housemaster, Housemistress & House Staff Training

Experts at leading interactive workshops which are lively, inclusive and offer multiple opportunities to reflect which will guide your organisation and colleagues to insightful and impactful outcomes. Kate Sommerville, Assistant…

curriculum design

INSET : Curriculum Design: Intent, Implementation & Impact

This INSET cuts through the complexity of the issues and highlights common themes to support successful curriculum design” Tim Jones, Deputy Head, Knowle Park Primary School Curriculum Design With a…

ISI Lesson Observations

INSET: ISI Lesson Observations, Learning walks and the ISSRs

Extremely valuable – thank you ! Jane Bond , Senior Deputy Head (Pastoral and Operational), Rokeby School Strategies for ISI Lesson observation, feedback and coaching to improve teaching and pupil progress…

1 comment

INSET : Leading Effective Appraisal for Middle and Senior Leaders

“Attending the ‘Leading Effective Appraisal’ webinar has been a game-changer for me. The tips and practical advice significantly increased my confidence in conducting appraisals. I now see appraisals as a…

1 comment
Coronavirus Schools Guidance

Coronavirus Schools Guidance – 12 ways to reduce the risks!

ISI inspection Framework

INSET : Key Staff Preparation for the F23 ISI Inspection Framework

We all found the ISI Inspection Framework day incredibly useful, and we have plenty of actions to undertake! Sophie Toland, Senior Deputy, St. Mary’s Calne Getting to grips with the…

School Governance Review

Single Academy Trust & School Governance Review

JMC can conduct a School Governance Review (virtually via Zoom or in person) The School Governance Review will examine the governance structure, operations and performance across the board. Our Governance…

Public speaking

INSET: Public Speaking for School Leaders

Before attending this training, public speaking was a source of anxiety for me. But after just one day, I emerged a transformed leader with newfound confidence and poise. I now…

Pastoral care

INSET: Outstanding Pastoral lead : Heads of Year

I feel particularly inspired. Unlike many courses, this felt achievable.  Alison Tanner, Year 5/6 Teacher, Cameley Primary School The Highly Effective Head of Year /Key Stage • Need guidance on…

Stress Management

SLT Coaching : Stress Management for School Leaders

Stress Management and Resilience Building: The Lead Team guide Why is it important that leaders have a good understanding of stress and resilience for themselves? Why do people become stressed…

Middle Leaders Mentorship Programme

Thank you for your work on improving middle leaders….a well-planned and thought-provoking session which received very good feedback. Geraint Jones, Director of Education Cognita Schools UK & Europe The JMC…

1 comment
Complaints Management

INSET: Complaints Management: Positive Parent Relationships

A proactive approach to complaints management is advisable for teachers and school leaders , rather than find themselves on the back foot when a grievance is raised. There has been…

strong curriculum

INSET : Achieving an Ofsted Strong Curriculum & Teaching

“A really helpful session covering all areas of the Ofsted framework. The suggested questions are really useful” Laura Creswick , Assistant Head , Teaching & Learning, Nailsea School Do you…

Middle leadership

Middle leaders coaching : Moving on to Middle Leadership

“Very inspiring”- Silvana Cardoso, Teacher, Francis Holland School Middle leadership training for new HOD’s and Head’s of Year Do you need a middle leaders training programme in your school? How…


INSET: Governors Training Programme

“The importance and significance of outstanding governance and leadership across our education system, in every school in England, has never been greater. The role of governors in defining and implementing…


Boarding School Audit for Independent Schools

Very useful practical tips and information. Immediate take home actions. Abingdon School Independent Boarding School Audit Educational institutions must meet and observe a wide variety of guidelines and regulations set…

Senior leader

SLT Coaching : Complete toolkit for a Senior Leader

“wealth of practical tips based on real life experiences” L.Betts HOD, Gresham Prep school Proven strategies for excelling as a Senior Leader in your school One of the signs of…

departmental leadership

Middle leaders coaching : Outstanding Departmental Leadership

Leading the Teaching and Learning in your subject area, key stage or department. Middle leaders are the engine room of any school. They need to be able to lead a…

academic leadership

SLT Coaching : Outstanding Academic Leadership

This ‘hands-on’ course looks at the criteria and processes that school leadership will need to both understand and apply to be graded outstanding/excellent within the inspection framework. The course highlights and explores many of the features of excellent provision and will offer delegates practical and applicable examples to make an instant impact within their own schools.

SLT Coaching : Building and leading a robust Digital Strategy

School leaders are often not computer experts and do not want jargon and techie-speak when all they need to know is the educational value of different digital tools and approaches. Bringing together school leaders to evaluate their current and desired position, no detailed technical knowledge is necessary, this course aims to demystify the ‘edtech’ world and focusses on the impacts on education, practical leadership strategies and ways to promote a purposeful digital culture across the school.

Difficult conversations

INSET : Difficult Conversations with Parents

Building positive relationships with difficult parents Escalation in the number of Difficult Conversations post Pandemic The number of parental complaints to schools and regulatory bodies such as the DfE, Ofsted…

I found the insight, experience and knowledge very helpful indeed… dynamic and practical leadership training … Thoroughly worthwhile.

Nicola Nicholl, Head of Middle School and Head of Science, Westminster School

