“Thank you so much for the SMSC course, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it , how insightful it was and useful. I am going to be able to do so much with it for the whole school”
Elizabeth Watson, Head of Religious Education, Hollingworth Academy Trust
Pupils’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development has been important since its inception in 1944. Schools now have a statutory requirement to teach Relationships (and Sex) and Health Education. How do we ensure high-quality SMSC and ‘British Values’ in the COVID, ‘Black Lives Matter’ and post-Brexit era ? And how do we make sure that these are properly embedded throughout the curriculum?
- So what does high-quality SMSC look like across the curriculum?
- How does R(S)HE / PSHE link in ?
- What will ISI or Ofsted expect?
- Why might this be important in a post-COVID, #BLM and post-Brexit world?
- How does this link to attainment and school improvement?
Click here find out more about our Primary & Secondary Relationships (& Sex Education , RSHE INSET courses.
Booking this course will enable your staff to understand and explain to colleagues:
- The rationale for high quality SMSC
- Linking in R(S)HE and ‘British Values’
- Developing SMSC & FBV across the curriculum
- How to we manage local, national and international values?
- What do ISI or Ofsted expect?
- How does this link to attainment and school improvement?
Clear Approaches and Strategies to SMSC across the Curriculum
This course is practical and interactive. Teachers will leave with a clear set of strategies and interventions to lead and develop it across their school
INSET Outline
School Identity
- What is our identity?
- What do we mean by values?
- What does it mean to be British?
- How might we celebrate being British?
- Should we always support ‘British’ values?
SMSC & Related Policy context
How to make sense of, and understand the links between:
- The Equality act (2010)
- Prevent strategy (2011)
- Teachers standards (2011)
- SMSC (2013)
- Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC (2014)
- Character benchmarks (2019)
- Relationships (and sex) and health education (2020)
- What measurable impact might the impact of SMSC and FBV?
What does this mean for my teaching?
How might we celebrate being British?
- What are Fundamental British values?
- Concerns and contradictions
Should we always support ‘British’ values?
- Values in a ‘post truth world’
- Are these not ‘universal values?
- British values in a terrorist-threatened society?
- How do we teach British values post Brexit?
What about ISI and Ofsted?
Looking ahead
Before making the final judgement on overall effectiveness, inspectors will always consider the SMSC development of pupils …