This expert-led KCSIE webinar is available for schools to book for their leaders and staff as a 1 or 2 hour interactive Zoom session.

This webinar is appropriate for all pastoral staff, boarding staff, senior leaders and others working in a pastoral setting.

What are the benefits of booking this KCSIE INSET for your staff?

This webinar will apprise course members on the new structure and responsibilities for independent schools for the enhanced and updated KCSIE.  This document is updated annually . It is essential that everybody working in a school or college understands their safeguarding responsibilities. Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that those staff who work directly with children read at least Part one of the KCSIE guidance.

Safeguarding Training

Schools are expected to have provided dedicated CPD to ensure that they meet the expectations of the recently released Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024, to ensure that the keep children safe from sexual harassment and abuse.

We recommend that all schools ensure that all staff understand the new guidance and that Senior leaders prepare safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure they are clear and consistent and contain sufficient detail about sexual violence, sexual harassment, online abuse and harmful sexual behaviours.

This webinar will consider the issues & implications of the changes to KCSIE relating to compliance and inspection.

Need an expert view of your policies or procedures? Have you thought about booking one of our inspection team members to carry out an audit ? Find out more about our Boarding , Safeguarding and Compliance audits by clicking on this link

JMC Inspection Team

KCSIE webinar learning outcomes:

  • Give guidance on the school’s role and its key responsibilities for the staff and leaders to keep the pupils safe in education
  • Provide guidance on key policies, documents and records to be kept by the school
  • To give constructive advice as to leading the new requirements forward into practice in the school setting and what responsibility every member of staff will have to work towards
  • To help encourage thoughts on developing procedures to instil the new requirements into the setting, through safeguarding updates, training and practice
  • An opportunity to share good practice with others in similar schools and settings

This course will offer practical advice to enhance your school’s response to the updated requirements and a reminder about those areas which still apply.  The webinar will give you and your teams an opportunity to discuss, manage and apply them in practice in your setting.

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