“Fab ! Best thing I’ve ever been on”.
N. Betts , Assistant Head , Sandbach High School
Ditch the Educational Fads and use Evidence Based Research to Improve Pupil Outcomes
Explore the latest research evidence on
- Mindset & resilience
- Memory, learning & Intelligence
- Self-regulation & metacognition
- Teacher behaviour & attitudes
What does great teaching look like? Is it lollipop sticks or learning styles; triple impact marking, metacognition or Mozart? In fact, provenly effective pedagogy – the methods and practices of teaching supported by research – have not been widely shared, or worse, have been relayed ‘Chinese whispers’ style: misconstrued, misheard or just plain wrong.
Evidence Based Teaching
Two major research reviews on how to improve teaching by Helen Timperley and Joyce Showers find that the best way is to give teachers control over their own development, working in groups over extended periods of time. This “Action Research” must be rooted in evidence of what really impacts on pupil outcomes.
This course addresses this head-on. Unpicking the evidence-based research essential for both class-teachers and school leaders to clarify what is known about effective pedagogy so that we can confidently adopt and promote it. As well as securing understanding, the course debunks the myths, misconceptions and mistakes that result in schools promoting ‘dead end’ teaching practices, and helps ensure we are on the path to proven, effective, outcome rich practice.
This INSET is would be ideal as a Keynote speech at an educational conference.
INSET Outline
What makes great teaching?
Putting research and evidence into outstanding practice
• Defining ‘good pedagogy’
• The components of great teaching
• Top teaching pedagogies to improve pupil progress
Improving Outcomes in the classroom
• The greatest (and the smallest) influences on pupil attainment and what this means for school leadership
• Examples of highly effective practices
• Examples of teacher characteristics
• Examples of ineffective practices, fads and bad educational practice
How to have a sustainable impact on pupil outcomes over time
• Leading children to learn
• Extending the cultural capital of your staff
• Putting pedagogical conversations at the heart of your school
Setting up an Action Research Project in your school
- Planning the project
- Implementation
- Measuring impact
A wonderful insight into key research
James Symonds, Head of Year, St. George’s College