Leading the Teaching and Learning in your subject area, key stage or department.
Middle leaders are the engine room of any school. They need to be able to lead a team, undertake reliable quality assurance, be forward-thinking in their planning and ensure that the department is aligned to the school’s vision and values. There is so much to do that it can seem overwhelming.
- What strategies do you use to audit, monitor and evaluate your department?
- How do you generate staff and pupil buy-in?
- How can you manifest the vision and values of your school in the everyday practice of your department?
- How do you plan and execute difficult conversations to ensure that standards are maintained?
“Almost all successful leaders draw on the same repertoire of basic leadership practices“
Departmental leadership
This intensive course is a must for all middle managers leading a subject or key stage. The day will develop the essential departmental leadership skills needed for building outstanding departments and subject areas under the current Ofsted and ISI frameworks. From effectively handling difficult situations and conflict to long term issues, such as school or departmental improvement, this course covers it all.
This course could be offered as one to one or small group mentoring.
JMC Mentoring can be either face to face or online.
We have an extensive range of Primary/Secondary/Independent and International school leaders ready to act as your mentor or critical friend.
See Mentoring & Coaching
INSET Outline
The Essential Elements of Departmental Leadership
- Leading a team and prioritising staff buy-in
- Embedding practices that reflect the school vision and values
- Transformational and transactional leadership in practice
- Successfully managing change and resolving conflict
Strategies to promote Outstanding Teaching & Learning in your department
- What does outstanding learning look like?
- Creating a culture of self-reflection
- Audits, monitoring and evaluation – more than just data
- Demonstrating student progress
Development Planning & Raising Achievement
- Action planning and self-evaluation for driving improvement
- Strategies for raising achievement and improving your results
- Harnessing the power of pupil, staff and parent/carer voice.
Leading High Performance Teams (including support staff)
- Building & sustaining the ideal team
- Developing and sustaining a culture of collaboration
Who is this course for?
Head’s of faculty, Heads of Department, Aspiring Heads of Department, Subject coordinators and Key Stage Coordinators in Primary & Secondary Schools or Sixth Form / FE Colleges.
You may also be interested in our Pastoral leadership training, suitable for all pastoral leaders in schools and colleges , including Wellbeing Leads, Mental Health leads , Heads of PSHE & Heads of key stage/ Phase.
JMC Leadership Coaching Team