I feel particularly inspired. Unlike many courses, this felt achievable. 

Alison Tanner, Year 5/6 Teacher, Cameley Primary School

The Highly Effective Head of Wellbeing /Year /Key Stage

• Need guidance on the role and its key responsibilities?
• Do you require tools for evaluating how well the role is being fulfilled?
• Do you need advice on leading and managing the pastoral team, year group and curriculum?
• Could you do with help with developing systems, policies, procedures and sharing good practice?

Top Priority: Pastoral Care & Pupil Personal Development

ISI already inspect pupil personal development as part of the Education Quality Inspection (EQI), and in 2019 the Ofsted inspection framework was modified to include a separate judgement of ‘personal development’ for the first time.

According to Ofsted, this is to acknowledge the importance of “pupils’ wider personal development and their opportunities to grow as active, healthy and engaged citizens.”

For most schools this good news. It allows Ofsted to recognise schools’ efforts to look after pupils’ broader development and prepare them for life outside of education.

Pastoral Leadership skills

This course will offer practical advice to enhance your effectiveness in pastoral leadership as a Head of Year, House, Key stage or section. The course provides a clear guide to help Heads of Year develop personal and management skills along with their key role in planning for and demonstrating success in school improvement. The training provides clear direction in leading your year group, tutor team and working with parents/support agencies. The course will also review pastoral issues and dealing with common problems. There is advice on developing and planning a pastoral curriculum, systems, policies and procedures. The trend is towards broadening of the role of the Head of Year and the course offers valuable advice to being successful in this vital role.

This course is suitable for all pastoral leaders in schools and colleges , including Wellbeing Leads, Mental Health leads , Heads of PSHE & Heads of key stage/ Phase.

This course could be offered as one to one or small group mentoring.
JMC Mentoring can be either face to face or online.
We have an extensive range of Primary/Secondary/Independent and International school leaders ready to act as your mentor or critical friend.
See Mentoring & Coaching

INSET Outline

Pastoral Leadership : guidance on the role and its key responsibilities

  • Skills and qualities needed; review of the job description
  • Evaluating your performance; dilemmas and pitfalls
  • Dealing with administration and personal organisation

Leading the tutor team & support in developing and planning a pastoral curriculum

  • Building & enthusing your tutor team; working with tutors and the wider pastoral team; meetings; communication skills
  • Giving support to tutors in PSHE and an overview of the curriculum
  • Supporting your pupils’ personal development

Leading your year group and working with parents and outside agencies

  • Control and management of the year group; status and influence in the role
  • Special difficulties in the year group: parents and outside agencies
  • Top tips on assemblies

Common pastoral leadership problems and evaluating success in this vital role/future needs

  • Behaviour and disaffection and establishing systems
  • Dealing with conflict & common pastoral problems
  • Establishing a framework for having those ‘tough’ conversations with all stakeholders
  • Challenging experienced staff
  • Raising the profile of pastoral leadership; success in role and identifying the multi-skills that equip you for senior management and further career progression
  • Future needs; review and reflection


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