Everyone came away from the workshop with wellbeing action planning focused on their personal needs.

Lisa Nevers,  ISF Academy, Hong Kong 

In the Teacher Wellbeing Index 2019 72% of educational professionals described themselves as stressed, while 57% had  considered leaving the profession over the previous two years due to pressures on their health and wellbeing. 

“The disproportionately high levels of stress reported by the workforce impede their ability to effectively nurture children and young people, including an increasing number who are vulnerable.The interaction in the classroom of a stressed, overwhelmed, tired and unsupported teacher will be different to that of a supported teacher with a strong sense of professional autonomy, self-efficacy and balance between personal and professional life.”(Teacher Wellbeing Index, 2019, Education Support)

Benefits of Wellbeing Action Planning

The most effective way to address the high levels of stress that staff are experiencing is through wellbeing action planning at both the strategic level and the individual level. This highly practical workshop provides opportunities for participants to not only understand more about stress but to evaluate their own stress responses and develop a personal wellbeing plan to address their individual needs. The workshop also looks at how strategic wellbeing action planning can provide a highly effective approach to tackling stress and work life balance for the whole staff. 

See also our online course: Mental Health Awareness

only 25!


The workshop provides participants with the opportunity to use a number of  research-based tools to help them evaluate and reflect upon their own stress and wellbeing, identify their work-related stressors and draw from a wide range of active coping strategies to develop a plan that will work for them. It also outlines a practical approach that headteachers and governors can follow to support strategic planning for improved staff wellbeing. 

INSET Outline

What is Stress, What Causes It and How Can It Be Managed?


  • To understand how stress works and what causes occupational burnout.
  • To consider why schools are stressful environments and understand which aspects of the school leaders/teachers/TAs role cause most stress.
  • To present and discuss a wide range of active coping strategies to help staff to manage their work-related stress and improve their wellbeing.

Taking a Strategic Approach: Wellbeing Action Planning


  • To consider the school’s responsibilities for staff wellbeing. 
  • To understand how to carry out an effective staff wellbeing audit.
  • To understand how to use data from a staff wellbeing audit to develop an effective  strategic wellbeing plan.

Evaluating, Understanding and Improving Individual Wellbeing 


  • To provide online tools for staff to evaluate their own stress and wellbeing during the session.
  • To  help staff to identify which active coping strategies will work most effectively for them.
  • To support staff to develop an individual wellbeing plan to take away from the workshop. 


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