Thank you for making this marking & feedback INSET so relevant for EYFS. It’s nice to see some inclusive training.

Vicky Fox , Head of Early Years & Ofsted EY Inspector

A realist’s guide to marking and feedback

Would you like to ensure your marking and feedback allows your pupils to:

Make rapid progress 

✔  Deepen their learning 

Know how to improve 

Become more engaged 

  • Would you like to mark smarter, not harder and develop a practical toolkit for more effective marking?
  • Do you know what inspectors define as outstanding practice in marking ?
  • Are you prepared for the latest work book inspections?

Given the focus in current inspections frameworks on improving pupil outcomes it is essential that teachers and leaders get to grips with these strategies and the benefits that can be made from some small changes in their practice. This course also presents how the research shows that improving marking and feedback is the number one way of adding value to pupil progression and attainment and presents practical ways to mark smarter.

A really excellent day- thank you!

Emily Lake, Deputy Head, Eaton Square School

INSET Outline

Why is marking and feedback so important in improving outcomes in teaching and learning:

  • Clarify the Hattie meta-analysis & the research behind the EEF Teaching & Learning Toolkit and its impact on effective teaching
  • Unpick the inspection criteria for marking and assessment
  • Surpass inspectors expectations for work book inspections

Marking smarter, not harder: plans to reduce marking time

  • Create a meaningful ‘marking dialogue’ to produce real and lasting change
  • Develop a consistent approach to marking
  • Personalise learning through differentiated and qualitative feedback

Providing feedback with clear direction and how to improve

  • Reducing workload
  • Implement peer and self-assessment techniques
  • Strategies for implementing self-reported grades
  • Demonstrate progress from marking and feedback
  • Use of reflection time
  • Formative use of summative assessment
  • Digital solutions allowing feedback during remote teaching & blended learning

Thank you very much, truly thought provoking and some wonderfully useful strategies

Ben Barter, Head of Pupil Progress, St Andrews Prep, Eastbourne

Who is this course for?

This course can be delivered with a focus on marking, feedback & assessment practice to departments, teaching teams or a whole school staff. It can also be delivered to lead teams and middle management with more focus on evaluating marking practice, drafting policy and supporting and developing colleagues and departments.

Schools often combine this training with a Marking & Feedback Audit / Policy review Save

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