What does Ofsted want?

Here are the facts about the requirements of Ofsted.  JMC have delivered these messages in training all over the country for the past year. Hopefully this Ofsted myth buster will help avoid unnecessary workload in your school.

Ofsted Myth #1. You must show them your Lesson planning

Ofsted does not require schools to provide individual lesson plans to Inspectors. Equally, Ofsted does not require schools to provide previous lesson plans.
Ofsted does not specify how planning should be set out, the length of time it should take or the amount of detail it should contain. Inspectors are interested in the effectiveness of planning rather than the form it takes.

Ofsted Myth #2. Ofsted will grade your lesson

Ofsted does not award a grade for the quality of teaching for any individual lessons visited and it does not grade individual lessons. It does not expect schools to use the Ofsted evaluation schedule to grade teaching or individual lessons.

Ofsted myth #3. Ofsted expect your SLT to observe a certain number of lessons in preparation for inspection

Ofsted does not require schools to undertake a specified amount of lesson observation. It’s completely up to your SLT what method they use to improve the quality of teaching.
Ofsted does not expect schools to provide specific details of the pay grade of individual teachers who are observed during inspection.

Ofsted Myth #4. Ofsted Prefer a certain style of teaching

Ofsted just wants to know that your teaching style impacts the progress of the students. There’s not a one teaching style fits all. There is however strong evidence that certain practices improve pupil outcomes more than others, such as active learning, metacognition, collaborative learning and peer tuition.

Why not arrange an INSET for your staff on some of the most effective practices for improving pupil outcomes?

Find out more about training on active learning, metacognition and using feedback

Ofsted myth #5. You must mark your pupils’ work every lesson and provide written feedback

Ofsted does not expect to see a particular frequency or quantity of work in pupils’ books or folders. Ofsted recognises that the amount of work in books will often depend on the age and ability of the pupils.
Ofsted does not expect to see unnecessary or extensive written dialogue between teachers and pupils in exercise books and folders. Ofsted recognises the importance of different forms of feedback and inspectors will look at how these are used to promote learning.

How should we prepare for an Ofsted Deep Dive?



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