Hugely useful and informative day
James Moss-Gibbons, Director of Studies, Lambrook School
Maximising progress in lessons for all learners
- Building effective inclusion and clear progression: raise standards, narrow the gap, challenge all learners
- Ensuring value added: strategies for all learners to make significant progress
- Challenge the commonly held myths and misconceptions of differentiation, including what is outstanding practice and what inspectors want to see.
Learning should be a deeply personal experience. Children have a huge appetite and capacity to learn, yet all do not learn as enthusiastically or effectively at school. That may well be because schools sometimes fail to understand and meet their particular needs and aspirations. Children come into education from different starting points, with different abilities, aptitudes and expectations. They often learn in different ways, at different paces and styles. Highly effective teaching should meet the different needs of learners: differentiated provision for differentiated need.
This course empowers class teachers to meet the needs of all the learners in their classes whether they be high prior attainer (HPA) , below average, SEND or EAL.
We used to teach subjects and classes – now we teach pupils.
INSET outline
Establishing the methodology behind highly effective Differentiation and Personalised Learning
- What is the difference between differentiation and personalised learning?
- What are the expected outcomes of differentiated provision?
- How do we provide for all learners?
- Barriers to high levels of progress (High and below average starters)
- Ensuring value added
The use of data and target setting by the class teacher to plan for differentiation in lessons and SOW
- Using school data and assessment systems effectively
- Assessment as a construct for personalisation
- Target setting to improve progress
Invaluable ideas for realising effective differentiation including:
- Lesson planning techniques,
- Assessment for learning devices
- Questioning techniques
- Activities to level up or down the challenge
- Stretching the most able pupils
- Planning to extend pupils higher-Order Skills ( HOTS)
- Strategies to support the less able
Supporting SEND and EAL pupils for higher rates of progress
- SEND responsibilities of the class-teacher versus the SENCO clarified
- Barriers to progress for SEND and EAL pupils
- Strategies and solutions from simple to those requiring a little more effort
All JMC INSET courses are a blend of informative and practical. Staff will take away a range of strategies they can use in the classroom
Differentiation and personalised learning inset. Is it possible to see a sample of this inset?? Are there activities involved for staff to do?