“The feedback from the middle leaders and SLT was overwhelmingly positive, they loved being able to share ideas and raise their concerns”

Svetlana Bajic-Raymond, Deputy Head, Cotham School
  • Are you clear on how inspectors will evaluate your curriculum?
  • Do you understand the principles of a deep dive into the curriculum ?
  • Does your staff feel confident in the skills of lesson evaluation?
  • Can teachers feedback to colleagues in a structured and supportive way?
  • Do colleagues know how to coach other teachers through improvements to practice?
  • How do you develop an open door and collegiate approach to Teaching and Learning?

To grade or not to grade- that is the question…

According to Teacher Toolkit’s latest research, 35 percent of schools in England are still grading lessons and teachers. But how reliable are our judgements? Should observations be evaluative or developmental or both?

Making lesson evaluations add value

Formal observing of teaching still forms a part of performance management and teacher appraisal is many schools. Monitoring and evaluating the curriculum is the process whereby a subject leader and their team carry out regular drop in’s and learning walks focussed on improving curriculum delivery collectively. 

This course will explore systems, procedures and practices to ensure curriculum evaluation is at the heart of the school; and highly effective practical monitoring and evaluative strategies are used to inform and move the school’s curriculum intent & implementation and impact towards outstanding.

This course could be offered as one to one or small group mentoring.
JMC Mentoring can be either face to face or online.
We have an extensive range of Primary/Secondary/Independent and International school leaders ready to act as your mentor or critical friend.
See Mentoring & Coaching

INSET Outline

Knowing your curriculum

• Progression of knowledge and skills
• Age and stage appropriate learning
• School & subject- based pedagogy
• Sources of evidence

Monitoring & evaluating the curriculum

Establishing an open-door culture for sharing best practice across subjects

Analysis of video material of a range of teaching practice

Peer observation, lesson visits and Lesson Study

Deep dives & work scrutiny

Developing teaching staff as reflective practitioners

Conducting meaningful peer or self evaluation of lessons

How do inspectors make their judgements ?

Are the pupils learning anything and how do you know?

Tips for evaluating progress in the short and longer term

How to focus on developmental lesson observations

Coaching strategies to develop the quality of teaching and improve pupil outcomes

Embed a formative approach to evaluating the curriculum through:

Coaching and mentoring programmes

Strategies for highly effective Staff CPD

Active Research Projects

One of the most useful INSET’s I’ve had for many years. A nice mixture of theory and practice

Mr N Orpen-Palmer, Head of Geography and Outdoor Education, Rokeby School

To register an interest or raise any questions about his course please use the button below or use our Enquiries page.


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