When everyone in a school believes that together they can make a difference, the impact on student attainment can be almost quadrupled

Rachel Eells, 2011

An Effect size greater than Feedback!

Collective teacher efficacy (CTE) is the new influence on Hattie’s Visible Learning meta-analysis block, leap-frogging “Self-Report Grades/Student Expectations” , “Feedback” , and “Teacher-student relationships”. Amazing things happen when a school staff shares the belief that they are able to achieve collective goals and overcome challenges to impact student achievement.

The most significant leadership influencer

Not only is it one of the very top influencers globally, it is the most significant leadership influencer almost five-fold. Rachel Jean Eells’ (2011) meta-analysis demonstrated that collective efficacy and student achievement were strongly related with an effect size of 1.57.

Cutting edge of School Leadership

This course is designed for middle and senior leaders aiming to be at the cutting edge of school leadership, wanting to move on from outdated models of evaluative lesson observations and appraisals to processes and systems which empower teachers as part of a collective force for change within your institution.

The question is how do we move the conversation away from how you teach , to what is the impact of our teaching?

INSET Outline

Key Research on improving teaching through Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE)

Implications of the Eells and Hattie Meta-analysis

6 Conditions that enable effective CTE

Successful leadership practices to allow CTE to flourish


Empowering your teaching staff

Creating a continuum of collegial relations

Understand the new role of CPD to promote CTE

Re-evaluate outdated models of evaluative lesson observations and appraisals


Meaningful Teacher Collaboration

Providing opportunities to build instructional knowledge and skills
Providing opportunities to collaboratively share skills and experience
Evidenced based Learning for teachers
Joint Practice Development ( JPD)


School Appraisal Systems which support “real” teacher development

The using lesson observations to promote CTE
Remote and face to face mentoring
Making Appraisal meaningful: Beyond the “tick box” approach
Coaching conversations


Free CPD Consultation

If you want to learn more about this or other In-school INSET courses, then don’t hesitate to get in touch in one of the following ways:

Our enquires form

Email: enquiries@jmcinset.com

Call: +44 208 5314812

Contact us today for a FREE consultation on your development needs.

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