All schools use huge amounts of data to support them in the work they do. Information on pupil attainment and progress is the most complex part of this, but data systems also document attendance, behaviour, individual pupil needs, personnel and finance.
Making data work, Report of the Teacher Workload, November 2018
Data is simply a story told in numbers.
Data should be a driving force for school improvement. All colleagues should be comfortable in using data to support their teaching and the students learning and other responsibilities they may have.
School leaders must ensure data collected is meaningful and useful to support student progress and not over burdensome to colleagues. It should be used by a school to identify its strengths and weaknesses as well as group of young people or subjects or phases that are underperforming.
It should be in a form that different audiences can understand its meaning.
Schools need to have a published assessment, recording, tracking and reporting calendar published in different form for different audiences.
The school must know what inspectors expect to see in relation to assessment, recording and tracking.
This course will enable delegates to make more analytical use of data and translate it into evidence based improvements in practice. You will learn its limitations, and also develop methods of gathering and using internally derived data.
This course could be offered as one to one or small group mentoring.
JMC Mentoring can be either face to face or online.
We have an extensive range of Primary/Secondary/Independent and International school leaders ready to act as your mentor or critical friend.
See Mentoring & Coaching
INSET Outline
The role and challenges of leading data at school.
- The uses of data as a school leader
- What is the link between Learning, Teaching and Assessment?
What makes effective assessment in schools?
- Agreeing the fundamentals of great assessment in your school
- Measuring & tracking attainment and progress
- What approaches are being developed for recording attainment and progress?
- Inspectors’ expectations in relation to assessment, recording and tracking.
Reducing teacher workload around Assessment
- How to cut out unnecessary data collections
- Rethinking outdated assessment policies and rewriting in a useable form.
- Ensuring assessment strategies improve pupil progress.
Assessment practice which raises standards in the Classroom
- Embedding effective language for learning
- Dialogic teaching
- Impact of a Growth Mindset
- The role of formative and summative assessments
Reporting and Communicating with Parents
- Established best practice in schools.
- How can you report to parents clearly?