Nearly half of lesbian, gay, bi and trans pupils (45 per cent) – including 64 per cent of trans pupils – are bullied for being LGBTQ+ at school.
Stonewall School Report (2017)
Schools have a vital role in developing understanding and challenging the disadvantage and discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ pupils and staff. Visible support in the classroom, corridor, playground, sports field, canteen, staff room and online school platforms make a difference to LGBTQ+ people’s lives. Schools should be proactive in preventing and addressing discriminatory behaviour ensuring a safe and positive environment for all.
Our INSET programme adopts a EDI lens to help school staff be better prepared to register the potential for unconscious bias, power inequalities, discrimination and disadvantage. As well as understanding the legal framework centred on The Equality Act (2010) and the Public Sector Equality Duty, this INSET will also explore practical strategies to help schools be more inclusive and give all pupils the opportunity to achieve to their potential.
Our workshops and INSET delivery is matched to your organisation’s needs by offering combinations of the modules listed below:
Understanding the Language of Identity
Exploring the vital role of language in creating an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ pupils and staff. Schools should understand the various sexual orientations and gender identities within the LGBTQ+ spectrum, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and more. Familiarity with inclusive language, pronouns and respectful terminology is crucial (90 mins).
Policies and Process
Schools should ensure that inclusive policies explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. These policies should be communicated to staff, pupils and parents/carers (60 mins).
The Law
Understanding the legal framework around The Equality Act (2010) and the Public Sector Equality Duty (60 mins).
LGBTQ+ Inclusive Curriculum
including LGBTQ+ perspectives, history and contributions helps to create an inclusive learning environment. This can include LGBTQ+ writers, artists, musicians, philosophers, mathematicians, politicians etc and prominent role models (90 mins).
Developing an awareness of personal biases including ‘unconscious’ biases and exploring allyship and advocacy as an inclusive strategy (90 mins).
LGBTQ+ Support Systems
Providing adequate support in a time of financial stress on school budgets (90 mins).
Safeguarding and Extremism
How schools can effectively safeguard LGBTQ+ pupils and staff (90 mins).
Confidentiality and privacy considerations
Includes discussion of latest government guidance (60 mins).
Find out more about our extensive range of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion CPD here
If you are a SLT member or EDI lead looking to arrange an EDI Review, more information can be found here
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