“This is the next iteration of teaching, and digital literacy is central to success in the classroom,”

Sid Dobrin, Chair of the English Department, University of Florida & Director of the Trace Innovation Initiative.

A different approach to digital literacy & learning

Engaging, exciting, energising. This is how teachers are describing the impact the Digital Difference strategies have had on their classes.

The Digital Difference idea is simple: digital creative tools and techniques bring new learning opportunities and raise attainment across the primary school if kept firmly in the context of academic purpose and applied as a complement to traditional modes of learning.

Drawing from observations of the experience and successes of implementation of digital tools across the primary curriculum over many years, the Digital Difference is code of best practice. The Difference was written after the novelty and shoe-horning of digital tools into lessons ended. It has been formed of the enduring strategies and guidance that have had proven educational impact.

Why should pupils be taught digital literacy ?

Digital literacy is not, as many understand it, simply the ability to use a computer. Loosely defined, it’s an umbrella term for a range of competencies, such as coding, internet and computer mastery, that are used to locate, assess, create and communicate information. Code.org has vowed that every child should have access to computing teaching.

Why book this INSET?

This course gives all primary teachers a overview of digital literacy and the inspiration, strategy suite and practical ideas to confidently use digital art techniques and creative technology to enhance learning across the curriculum. Written by teachers with classroom practice at its heart, the Digital Difference provides primary teaching teams with the practical details they need to know to ensure successful outcomes and achieve great results. Specialisms in art, IT or DT are not a prerequisite for the course: instead the requirement is a desire to engage in order to explore how digital media can provide new routes for children to reach their potential.

This whole school course has been designed for all teachers, classroom support, lead team members, curriculum leads and specialist teachers alike. Covering the key techniques, the course prepares the school ready to plan and explore how they will shape their Digital Difference.

INSET Outline

Getting started with digital literacy

  • Getting ready for digital – essential preparation that will improve teacher confidence and establish priorities and the central importance of attainment outcomes.
  • Quick guide to digital devices – what you need and don’t need, making use of technology you already have in school and high quality free software and applications, and some low (and high) cost options.
  • Digital media explained – the no jargon guide to working confidently with different media file types.

Confidence with digital creative tools

  • Drawing and sketching: How to design digitally – creating vector and raster images, 2d and 3d drawing.
  • Photography: How to work with digital photographs – understanding layers, filters, masks and adjustments.
  • Video: Making, editing and finishing video projects.

Digital art and pupil attainment

  • Teaching and learning: planning and frameworks for progression, evaluating impact and of appropriateness of digital tools. Practical teaching strategies and ideas.
  • Keeping a record: Building pupil digital portfolios, summative and formative assessment of pupil work, dovetailing digital work with class work.
  • Across the curriculum – using digital art purposefully in maths, English and across the curriculum in innovative and ways.
  • Celebrating achievement – virtual displays and exhibitions, taking things further with blogs and online resources.
  • Making a difference: Road mapping digital use in school.



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