Professional, knowledgeable, highly engaging and friendly approach
Su Berkley, Assistant Head, Chew Magna Primary School
How Children learn
The how children learn is as important as the what they learn. It is our responsibility to ensure we understand this when involved in a child’s earliest learning experiences, so that they adopt a positive attitude to learning throughout their lives. A child’s early learning ability is inborn and instinctive and early years practitioners must encourage and nurture this in their planning and delivery.
- Do you and your staff fully understand this need?
- Do you want to ensure that you are providing the very best outcomes for the children in your care?
- Are the characteristics of effective learning central to the planning and guiding of children’s activities and environment in your setting?
- Are you fully supporting and encouraging your children to be creative, adventurous and resilient learners for life?
In planning and guiding children’s activities, practitioners must reflect on the different ways that children learn and reflect the characteristics of effective learning in their practice.
Characteristics of effective learning & teaching
Playing and exploring
– children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’
Active learning
– children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements
Creating and thinking critically
– children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.
The idea that we need to support and extend children’s thinking came from the Researching Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years (REPEY) project
‘Adult-child interactions that involve some element of “sustained shared thinking” or what Bruner has termed “joint involvement episodes” may be especially valuable in terms of children’s learning.’
REPEY Project, Institute of Education
This course is designed to enable early years practitioners to help develop positive attitudes towards learning and enable young children to stretch themselves and meet their own learning needs.
Who is this course for?
EYFS practitioners, EYFS leaders, Heads or Senior Leadership new to the Early Years experience.
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INSET Outline:
• Understanding how children learn
• Unpacking the Characteristics of Effective Learning (CoEL)
• Creating a learning environment to promote the CoEL
• The importance of ‘thinking’ in an EYFS environment
• Developing the role of the adult in embedding the CoEL in practice
Free CPD Consultation
If you want to learn more about this or other In-school INSET courses, then don’t hesitate to get in touch in one of the following ways:
Call: +44 208 5314812
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