Thank you very much for a very informative and useful session
Katherine Beith, Director of Studies, Alleyn’s Junior School
- How would you rate your pupil’s personal development?
- How do you know?
- Where is your evidence and is it easily accessible?
- Will you satisfy the inspection criteria of Ofsted or the Independent Schools Inspectorate?
What ISI inspectors are looking for in Personal Development
Independent Schools inspected by ISI will be judged against the 8 ‘P’ criteria from the Education Quality Framework as part of an Education Quality Inspection (EQI).
There has been a move away from judging provision towards evaluating the outcomes of the contribution of pastoral care and leadership for pupils. This inset will suggest ways in which schools can make evaluations of their own pupil development over time.
What Ofsted inspectors are looking for in Personal Development
The 2019 Ofsted inspection framework for the first time has a separate judgement , which evaluates the school’s intent to provide for the personal development of all pupils, and the quality with which you implement this work.
“This recognises the ( importance of) pupils’ wider development and their opportunities to grow as active, healthy and engaged citizens”.
Amanda Spielman , Ofsted Chief Inspector
It includes:
- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development
- Personal, social, and health education (PSHE) education
- Careers information, education, advice and guidance
Inspection INSET Outline
Outline of a typical inspection visit
- What will be looked at during and before?
- Who will be met?
- How is personal development judged?
Making sure you are meeting the PD criteria
- What evidence do inspectors gather?
- What are the expectations from all staff during the inspection?
- How confident are you that you meet the criteria within the frameworks?
- What does each of the criteria mean?
How to improve Personal Development
- What is resilience, self-understanding, aesthetic awareness?
- Strategies for developing and improving pupils’ skills and awareness.
- How to measure the immeasurable – tracking pupil’s personal development and measuring impact
How excellent Pastoral Care can have an impact on the quality of pupil’s education and outcomes
- In what ways does the development of pupils enhance their achievements?
- The contribution of reactive, proactive and developmental pastoral care.
You might also be interested in our other Ofsted & ISI inspection preparation courses, details can be found by clicking here.
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