The Ofsted Ready Apprenticeship Programme: Preparing for a Deep Dive
In April 2021 Ofsted became responsible for the inspection of apprenticeship provision at all levels. This was recommended in the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding 2019 to ensure consistent judgements and approaches across the provision.
Inspection involves inspectors gathering evidence from the provider to arrive at judgements using the evaluation criteria set out in the further education and skills inspection handbook. They will gather that evidence through observing teaching and training, through speaking to managers, teachers, trainers and learners, and through analysing provider documents, data and information.
Are you deep-diving into your apprenticeship or adult skills programme?
As a senior leader, curriculum manager or programme/subject lead do you know what the Education Inspection Framework (EIF) means for you, your role and your provider? There is certainly more emphasis on the curriculums design, implementation and impact for all programmes and provision types that will be under scrutiny.
- How can you make sure that you are ever ready?
- How can you prepare your provider/department/colleagues for inspection?
You will have heard the term ‘a deep dive’ – what does this entail and how can you and your team prepare for this. This course will help you to draw up a personalised plan of action.
What is an Ofsted Deep Dive?
With a renewed focus on the quality of your providers curriculum intent, implementation and impact, this course will look at how judgements will be informed through the evidence available in your provider.
Guiding you through the different deep dive activities, questions and lines of enquiry, this course will support you in your preparations for future inspection activity. In addition, this will support your understanding for how you can ensure your provider is ‘ever ready’.
This workshop is relevant for any provider delivering 16 to 18 study programmes, apprenticeships, adult skills programmes, traineeships and/or t levels.
You might also be interested in our highly recommended FES & Apprenticeships Mock Inspection Service.
JMC Inspection Team
Apprenticeship Deep Dive INSET Aims:
- Interpret Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework
- Provide an overview of the deep dive methodology
- Understand and apply deep dive activities and how evidence is used to make judgements
Arrange for a Mock Deep Dive in your school or subject area
Contact our Inspection team to arrange a ‘Mentoring Dive’ to reassure your team & allay any fears
JMC Inspection Team
INSET Outline
Introduction to the Deep Dive Methodology
- Interpreting the Ofsted Framework
- Overview of the Deep Dive Methodology
How judgements are made by inspectors
- Curriculum lead interviews
- Teacher interviews
- Lesson visits
- Work scrutiny
- Use of assessment
- Pupil Outcomes
- ‘Unpicking’ personal development, behaviour, and attitudes,
- Safeguarding, H&S and equality,
- Data analysis.
Planning for a deep dive in your school or college
• Sample questions for subject leaders
• Work scrutiny examples
• Planning for accurate self-evaluation
Feedback on this training has been overwhelmingly positive :
“Very well delivered and above & beyond what was advertised! “
“Outstanding – extremely helpful & has built my confidence”
“Really useful for what a deep dive means and what to say to Ofsted”
JMC Inspection Team
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