“A really helpful session covering all areas of the Ofsted framework. The suggested questions are really useful”

Laura Creswick , Assistant Head , Teaching & Learning, Nailsea School

Is your Teaching & Learning Ofsted ready ?

Ofsted will be inspecting all schools by summer 2025 in order to assess how education is recovering from the pandemic. With potential new powers to intervene for schools who are found to be underperforming, there has never been a more crucial time to ensure that your school is Ofsted ready.

  • Do you know what Ofsted are looking at and for? Do you know how to satisfy lines of enquiry and how to predict questions and inspection themes?
  • Do you know what questions they may ask? And who they want to speak with?
  • Do you know what evidence if required to present within an inspection?
  • Are you aware of the current framework and the implications this has on teaching and leading within a school?

Under the current inspection framework Ofsted are spending less time looking at exam results and test data, and more time considering how a academy, school, college or other education provider has achieved their results. But what does this mean in practice and what are the implications for your school, academy or college?

This course is designed to help take the ‘mystery’ out of the Ofsted inspection processes for both graded (section 5) and ungraded (section 8) inspections.

It will unpack the major changes to ungraded (section 8) inspections introduced in September 24, where ‘focus areas’ are now used by inspectors to evaluate whether leaders have taken effective action to maintain the standards of the school’s previous inspection.

The course will also look at graded (section 5) inspections, in particular the practicalities for schools of the ‘deep dives’ used by inspectors when reaching their judgements.

The course focuses on Ofsted’s standards for the Quality of Education judgement across the 3i’s: Intent, Implementation, and Impact.

This one-day INSET will guide you though the expectations of both graded and ungraded inspections, so that you can fully understand how holistic and interconnected the inspection process looks in schools and colleges. 

With a focus on the quality of your school curriculum this one-day course will look at how judgements will be informed through the evidence available in your school.

Guiding you through questions and lines of enquiry this workshop will help you feel prepared and ready to articulate your approach with clarity and confidence.


This programme can be tailored to the needs of your middle / senior leadership team and delivered as a training session or as part of a school improvement programme. For more details on school improvement services see our ‘Preparing for Inspection’ section

JMC Inspection Team

INSET Outline:

Session 1: Changes to the Ofsted Inspection Framework from September 24

  • Key points of emphasis in the current Ofsted framework
  • Unpacking the changes to ungraded inspections  
  • Types and timings of inspections, related to outcomes
  • New “Focus areas” on ungraded inspections – methodology and rationale
  • Changes to the ‘Safeguarding’ judgement and possible outcomes

Session 2:  Overview of Graded inspections

  • Unpacking the ‘Quality of Education’ standards
  • Intent, Implementation and Impact and Cultural Capital
  • SEND methodology on inspection

Session 3: Deep dives

  • Introductory conversations with leaders
  • What subject leaders need to know
  • Lesson Visits and learning walks
  • Work scrutiny examples
  • Use of assessment
  • Pupil Outcomes
  • Pupil meetings/Pupil voice

Session 4: How Quality of Education judgements are made

  • Securing a ‘Good’ judgement and how to elevate it to ‘Outstanding’
  • Planning for accurate self-evaluation
  •  Hints to being inspection ready


020 8531 4182

“Thank you so very much for the fantastic INSET yesterday. It was without doubt the best INSET I have attended and absolutely met my hopes of providing a ‘health check’ and ideas to energise, the buzz this has already stimulated has been great”.

Hilary Barry, Director of Studies, Highfield School


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