Impressed by both the content and the delivery
Joe Thackway, Head, Crescent School
Improving pupils’ quality of education across the school
The quality of education in a school is judged by the impact it has on pupil outcomes as is the effectiveness of school leadership & management.
“It is the responsibility of the proprietors and leaders of the school to ensure the Standards and other relevant regulations are met. ISI inspections evaluate and report publicly on the extent to which each school meets the Standards”.
Paraphrased from para 2 of ISI Inspection Handbook (Jul23)
Impact of School Leadership on Pupil Outcomes
Robinson (2009) found that the leadership team can have the greatest impact on pupil’s academic achievement by promoting and participating in teacher learning and development, something we encourage in all our JMC leadership courses.
New Inspection Methodologies
The ISI inspection framework has moved away from a series of lesson observations where the teacher was expected to “perform” for the Inspector whilst they completed a check list of such things as “uses interactive whiteboard” and “AfL”; they now focus much more closely on the pupils.
Reporting inspectors will offer school leaders the opportunity to be involved in some inspection activities. These may include reviewing pupils’ work, joint lesson walks, discussion of examples of existing records and evidence, and tours of the school premises to consider related Standards.
INSET Outline
Quality of Education: Improving pupils’ academic achievement & progress
- Life without levels – how to show progression to inspectors
- High impact strategies for raising achievement
- How to show a good understanding of the aptitudes, needs and prior attainment of ALL pupils in the class
- Stretching the most able
- Differentiation & adaptative teaching strategies
- Strategies to improve teaching, learning and assessment
- Providing the evidence for inspectors to demonstrate success
Fostering pupils’ self – motivation & independence
- Strategies for enabling independent & self-regulated learners
- Effective marking and feedback systems which enable pupils to understand and improve their learning
- Sharing ideas on effective marking and feedback systems
- Classroom approaches to developing pupil’s self-motivation and resilience
- Providing the evidence for inspectors to demonstrate success
Reflections and planning for the future
Your staff will have an opportunity to develop their own action plan for their school and department ready to hit the ground running the very next day after the training. An opportunity for self – reflection and planning of where to go next and how to get there as well as some of the key messages from the day.
“Lots of things I can use directly back at the ranch”
Lesley Gardner, Assistant Head, Swanlea School
As with all our courses this INSET can be booked to be delivered in your school.
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