Thanks for a fantastic INSET on Metacognition – Really looking forward to using the strategies in our lessons in the next few weeks
The Marist School Sports Department ( via Twitter)

Improving Pupil Progress

Feedback & Metacognition have consistently been shown to raise achievement through both Hattie’s Visible Learning and The EEF Toolkit, where they both add 8-9 months of additional pupils progress. The evidence indicates that teaching these strategies can be particularly effective for low achieving and older pupils.

Metacognitive Feedback

These strategies can be more effective when taught together and then practiced in collaborative groups so learners can support each other and make their thinking explicit through discussion.

Overview of the research benefits of combining feedback & metacognition and how it applies to the classroom

  • Knowledge v skills – are they incompatible?
  • How can our understanding of cognitive science improving learning?
  • What does educational research tell us and how does this translate into outstanding practice?

Strategies for promoting metacognitive feedback in all subjects in all classrooms

  • Turning learners into thinkers
  • 5 simple ways to promote metacognitive awareness in your classroom
  • A roadmap for promoting metacognition across the curriculum

Upgrade your marking and feedback to promote independence & self-regulation

  • Marking smarter, not harder: plans to reduce marking time but improves pupil outcomes
  • Promote real independence through minimal marking
  • Personalise learning through qualitative feedback
  • Differentiate without increasing teacher workload

Helping pupils develop the toolkit to self-regulate and evaluate their own progress

• Developing self-awareness and self-regulation and their role in learning
• Developing pupil’s self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
• Letting pupils understand how to improve their own learning and performance
• Preparing pupils effectively to be life long learners

GREAT! What an INSET should be.
Already changed how I am teaching this morning – feeling positive!
Emma Kent, Director of Music, West Buckland School

Free CPD Consultation

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