Smart Marking – making marking meaningful, manageable and motivating again!
Lots of great smart marking ideas to try!
Sophie Rollins, Head of Year & Head of IT
How to mark smart
Smart marking involves relying less on traditional techniques and becoming open to methods that might seem counterintuitive at first. This can be difficult for teachers who have been teaching for a number of years, and it can be doubly difficult to convince school leaders to change their policy to these methods.
However, with no evidence to suggest it is always effective, ‘triple-impact marking’ (the usual method of marking and grading an entire piece of work in depth) is most likely not the best course of action for regular feedback.
Teachers need to capitalise on the Hattie and EEF research which has shown that feedback strategies, such as self reported grading are one of the most effective ways of improving progress.
This INSET is designed for staff at schools who already understand the benefits of effective marking and feedback who are looking to move away from unhelpful and time-consuming marking processes and return the focus to improving pupil outcomes through feedback. Discover a range of ideas informed by research that can be used immediately for the benefit of both teachers and their students, to ensure that pupils achieve the highest outcomes.
David Luard, Northcote Lodge School
INSET Outline
Expert guide to smart marking & feedback strategies
- Current feedback and marking climate, including Ofsted’s & ISI’s perspective
- What are the issues with Triple Impact Marking and how to move to a more meaningful practice?
- The research behind smart marking and how to translate this into practice
- Changing the mindset behind marking
- Integrating assessment into teachers planning
Making marking meaningful, manageable and motivating again!
- Key principles upon which any sensible marking policy should be based
- The 4 stages of feedback
- How to work with colleagues to evaluate and moderate teaching and planning
- Best-practice ideas of assessment and marking policies that reduce workload and increase student learning
A practical toolkit of feedback strategies to improve performance
- Techniques for oral feedback designed to benefit the pupils
- Ideas for gathering feedback during lessons
- Strategies for how to respond to feedback within lessons, including how to effectively differentiate for all learners
- Methods for developing independent learning capabilities
- The power of Self Reported grades – achieve up to three years of additional growth in learning for every year.
Triple marking is still being undertaken in 63 per cent of primary schools and 59 per cent of secondary schools despite little evidence of its effectiveness
NEU teachers’ union survey