“Incredibly engaging and Inspiring”
Katherine Letts, Assistant Head, St Laurence School
Cognition is defined as ‘the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Teachers of all subjects can benefit from understanding more about cognition – how we learn and how to apply this to the classroom.
Learning is a complex process that involves various cognitive thinking skills such as attention, memory, problem-solving, and decision-making. These skills are essential for acquiring new knowledge, making connections between different concepts, and applying what has been learned in different situations.
The course will help to explain many of the principles cognitive science such as cognitive load theory (CLT), dual coding, interleaving, spaced practice, retrieval practice, metacognition, and why and how these help students learn. The course links theory to practice by exploring the research to find the most effective strategies to improve memory, learning and ultimately revision for examinations at GCSE & A level based on cognitive science.
You may also be interested in our INSET courses on Metacognition – click here
Who is this INSET for?
This course is essential for classroom practitioners in all disciplines to aid their delivery and the revision strategies they share with their students at GCSE & A level
Understanding Cognition – how we learn
- Developing different types of Knowledge – declarative & procedural.
- Knowledge vs skills or knowledge through skills
- Cognitive load theory and why we need to consider it
- Dual coding in the classroom
- Chunking ideas to improve memory
Cognition : Constructing & Organising Knowledge
- Knowledge improves thinking and thinking improves knowledge
- Developing schemas and making them visible
- Explicit instruction and helping children understand how they learn
Improving memory & retention for GCSE & A level Exams
- What do we think memory is? What are the different types of memory?
- Creating Desirable Difficulties to Enhance Learning
- Evaluating Rosenshine’s Principles & Dunlosky’s Strategies to boost learning
- Understanding why we forget
- Plenary: 10 strategies to improve memory
Looking for a course with more about Rosenshine’s Principles ? Take a look at our INSET on Applying Rosenshine’s Principles to the Classroom
Assessment & Retrieval Practice in the Classroom
- A meaningful assessment strategy to build knowledge & understanding
- Strategies to embed retrieval practice in to your curriculum
- Building metacognition & self reflection into summative assessments
- Long term strategies to improve student revision technique
So interesting and really up my street
Andrea Davis, SENCO, Bromsgrove School