‘very informative’ 

Sarah Williams, Principal, Immanuel School

A practical guide on high impact teaching strategies for improving pupil progress in KS3 & KS4 students

  • Do you apply the full range of teaching strategies at KS3 & KS4?
  • Do you understand the current Ofsted criteria for outstanding provision?
  • How do you personalise learning and differentiate for this age range?
  • How do teachers make the most of marking and feedback?

Ofsted has regularly condemned the quality of teaching and learning in the 6th form. Numerous thematic and school inspections have criticised the quality of teaching for being “overly didactic” and “uninspiring”. Under the Ofsted 2019 Framework schools are given a separate judgement for their 6th forms.

Inspectors would expect a “broad, rich curriculum” and be “particularly alert to signs of narrowing” in key stages 2 and 3.

Ofsted spokesperson 2019

This highly interactive and practical course will allow participants to ensure that students achieve their full potential in lower school and GCSE teaching. High impact, age-specific teaching strategies will be demonstrated and the essential ingredients required to ensure that students achieve the best grades possible; as well as incorporating the results of research into what students say makes an outstanding lesson.

INSET Outline

What are inspectors looking for?

  • Clarity of the Ofsted expectations from the curriculum at KS3 & KS4
  • What is a “broad, rich curriculum” and “signs of narrowing” in key stages 3 and 4?
  • Curriculum evaluation -2 or 3 year GCSE / English EBacc?
  • Considering the Ofsted grade descriptors in relation to teaching.
  • Evidencing assessment, progress, feedback & attainment for inspectors

Measuring & Improving Pupil Progress

  • What does ‘Great Assessment’ look like?
  • The use and limitations of data
  • Evaluating progress from written work
  • Judging progress in lessons

Outstanding KS3 & KS4 Provision

  • Reviewing research into what students say makes an outstanding lesson.
  • Analysing  the range of sources teachers need to use to improve the quality of their KS3 & GCSE teaching.
  • Applying a range of teaching strategies that can be used across this age range.
  • Considering the importance of assessment and types of feedback and how it can be effectively managed.

To register an interest or raise any questions about his course please use our Enquiries page or the button below.


020 8531 4182

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