We provide post Ofsted support for early years when the worst has happened and a setting has been judged as ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’, the pressure is on to turn things around quickly. Our comprehensive support and guidance , easy to follow procedures and outstanding training ensure that improvement is fast and sustainable.

What happens if Ofsted judge your Early Years setting as ‘Inadequate’ ?

When Ofsted judges the overall effectiveness of provision to be inadequate, the inspection report will set out the steps that you must take. It will give the date by which you must comply with the requirements in the ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’ that you failed to meet.

In addition, Ofsted may decide to take enforcement action against you and issue a welfare requirements notice because of the poor quality of your provision.

Providing Evidence for the next Ofsted inspection

You will need to be able to provide evidence that you are meeting requirements the next time that Ofsted visit. In most cases, the next inspection will take place no later than 6 months following the inadequate judgement.

Post Ofsted inspection support

This support visit can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. We can offer:

  • A review of the inspection findings
  • Planning and creating an action plan
  • Advice on practice or statutory requirements
  • Review of any weaknesses to advise how they can be strengthened following your inspection
  • Support for the manager and staff team after the inspection visit
  • Support for staff team on answering concerns from parents
  • Breakdown of the report and what it actually means
  • Guidance on the Ofsted appeals process
  • Support informing and communicating with parents, writing letters to explain the outcomes if needed
  • Guidance on how to meet the actions and recommendations post Ofsted
  • Next steps – impact from a ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’ judgement
  • Marketing support following a downgrade
  • Guidance on supporting staff well-being

Please talk to one of our team to help you build your bespoke package

