It is hard to keep up with the pace of change in the most effective pedagogy in the teaching profession. New research findings, new statutory requirements, new inspection frameworks, new examination procedures, and new approaches for teaching and learning all emerge at an alarming rate. We are all left playing catch up and for those new to teaching, this can be a real sprint.
JMC Up to Speed on Pedagogy
At JMC we are focussed on improving pupil outcomes and passionate about improving teacher’s understanding of the most effective pedagogies.
For details of our award- winning T&L INSET courses and how to book them for your school or department follow this link
Evidence-based Research & Cognitive Science
To get you up to speed with the latest in Educational Research & Cognitive Science bookmark this page where John Medlicott (@johnmedlicott ) , Director of JMC Education has the answers to many of the questions teachers often ask.
All of our previous and new posts on T&L can be found in the News Section
Pedagogy & Practice Reading List
We also recommend that you sign up for the latest updates and research from the Education Endowment Fund
We will be adding posts on the most important advances in education across the world.